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日期:2024-10-28 05:46

Semester 1 Assignment 2024 Part A/ PartB

Software Design 4.1

The purpose of this assignment is to write a java application with a swing front-end that administers some type of Travel / Tourist organization. The compulsory features are Encapsulation, Inheritance & Aggregation (or Containment) and a Linked List of Objects.

1. There are 3 deliverables for Part A:

- Assignment Proposal: 1 paragraph explanation of proposed topic/functionality (due Thursday 31/10) (see sample assignment proposal in moodle)

- Code for completed application

- Screencast video that demonstrates the application executing and briefly describes the classes and GUI (and how they interact)

There is 1 extra deliverable for Part B:

- An essay (4-6 pages max) that uses your example to explain the key concepts Encapsulation, Inheritance & Aggregation (or Containment) to your peer group

2. You must also submit a copy of a signed Plagiarism Form

3. I have included in moodle a sample application and a video demonstrating this application will follow.

4. You cannot use/resubmit any previous assignments.  This assignment must be something new and of your own work.

Task: Design & Build a java application with a GUI front-end that links to a collection of Objects for a Travel/Tourist related system. Your application must use Inheritance, Aggregation and Linked Lists. You must submit a screencast video demonstrating the functionality of your application in action.

Notes Part A

· There is no limit to what you can do but it must involve developing an application that links a GUI front-end that links to a collection of Objects. The main purpose of the application is to showcase the Inheritance, Aggregation and Linked Lists. features.

· Use the coding available on Moodle as a starting point, however your assignment must be original and there are no limits to what you can do.

· There is an example in Moodle that can be found in the section “Sample Application

· The are three deliverables, each with a separate Marking scheme:

o Java Code Implementation with Polymorphism & Exception Handling (60%)

o A 5-minute screencast which will serve as a demonstration of the application with an emphasis on the Inheritance, Aggregation, Encapsulation and Linked Lists features (30%)

o A brief Assignment Proposal (see Example). (10%)

This 10% mark is also associated with the consistency between proposal and final application.

Proposal Submission Date: Thursday 31st of Oct 2024 @ 23:00

Main Submission (A)  (code/Video): Wed 20th of Nov, 2024 @ 23:00

Main Submission (B)  (code/Video): Fri  22nd of Nov, 2024 @ 23:00

Main Submission Files A: Code, screencast and plagiarism form. in 3 separate locations.

ScreenCast Guidelines:

· The screencast must be a (3- 5 minutes)

· The links to screencast-o-matic and tutorials are available on Moodle

· Screencast to be structured as follows:

1. Introduction: Brief description of what your application  is about

2. A walkthrough (demonstration) of your application working with examples of its functionality

3. On screen briefly show and describe important aspects of the actual code focusing on the Inheritance, Aggregation, Encapsulation and Linked Lists features

Part A: Main Submissions Links & files to be uploaded on Moodle:

· ScreenCast - Submitted to the Screencast submission link

· ZippedCoding – Submit a zipped copy of your code

· scanned/photo copy of the plagiarism form

Part B Guidelines

Turnitin Paper:

Use Arial Font size 12. Must consist of no more than 850 words and contain the following 3 parts:

1. Introduction and Background Research

Brief general description of Encapsulation, Inheritance & Aggregation (or Containment). May include references from the literature/ websites. Ideally use academic referencing to be used (citethisforme.com)

2. Description of the patterns

Should serve as an explanation of the Encapsulation, Inheritance & Aggregation (or Containment) and use your own example in order to explain the concepts

3. Summary and Conclusion

Your own reflection on the patterns, your assessment on how useful they are, what applications they have and how useful they are.

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