Assessment Brief
Summary of Information
Course and Term: POLS5122, T3 2024
Assessment Name: Essay 2
Weighting: 40%
Length: 2000 words (+/-10%)
Group work: No
Due date: 11/11/2024 11:59 PM (Week 10)
Submission Location: Moodle/Turnitin
Late penalty: 5% per day. A 48-hour short extension is available for this assessment.
Assessment Description:
Essay one requires students to address key issues and debates in IPE.
How to complete the assessment:
Choose ONE of the following essay questions:
1. What challenge does China pose to the United States' (U.S.) economic hegemony in the 21st Century? Will U.S. hegemony endure, will it be replaced by Chinese hegemony, or will the world become more multipolar? Critically evaluate these questions.
2. Inequality is a major political issue that needs to be addressed at the international level. Do you agree? Critically evaluate this statement.
3. What is the importance of the feminist concept of 'social reproduction' to the global economy? Critically evaluate this question.
4. Large multinational corporations exercise more authority over global economic governance than states. Do you agree? Critically evaluate this statement.
5. International financial institutions, such as the World Bank and the IMF, are primarily concerned with the interests of private capital markets and not the needs of developing countries. Do you agree? Critically evaluate this statement.
6. International trade negotiations should focus on traditional trade issues such as tariffs, subsidies and quotas and should not include clauses on 'new trade issues' such as the environment, labour standards and intellectual property. Do you agree? Critically evaluate this statement.
This is a research essay, and as such you are expected to include sources from outside the course reading material, including at least two sources published in or after 2023.In addition, you must also include at least two of the required readings from the course.
A +/- 10% leeway is applied, so all essay must between 1800 and 2200 words long (excluding the reference list – please see the FAQs in the course outline for more information). Essays that are shorter or longer than this allowed range will be penalised at 1% per 50 words over/under the 10% leeway.
All your written assessments must be formatted according to the Harvard in-text system of referencing
Generative AI Permission:
Planning/Design Assistance
You are permitted to use generative AI tools, software or services to generate initial ideas, structures, or outlines. However, you must develop or edit those ideas to such a significant extent that what is submitted is your own work, i.e., what is generated by the tool, software or service should not be a part of your final submission. You should keep copies of your iterations to show your Course Authority if there is any uncertainty about the originality of your work.
If your Convenor has concerns that your answer contains passages of AI-generated text or media that have not been sufficiently modified you may be asked to explain your work, but we recognise that you are permitted to use AI generated text and media as a starting point and some traces may remain. If you are unable to satisfactorily demonstrate your understanding of your submission you may be referred to UNSW Conduct & Integrity Office for investigation for academic misconduct and possible penalties.
The use of AI to assist with grammar and readability (including translation) is permitted.
Submission requirements:
What to submit:
· An essay as a word document or PDF file.
Where to submit:
· Via the Moodle – here.
Due date:
· 11/11/2024 11:59 PM (Week 10)
Please note:
· You can only upload one file. Before submitting, please make sure you are uploading the correct file.
Course Learning Outcomes addressed in this task:
· CLO2 : Compare the value of different theoretical perspectives for the analysis of specific problems of international political economy.
· CLO3 : Evaluate analyses of IPE from a theoretically grounded point of view.
How you will receive feedback for this task:
Students will receive written or recorded audio feedback, a marked rubric, and a numerical grade. See the rubric on the following page.
<50 (F) |
50-64 (P) |
65-74 (C) |
75-84 (D) |
>85 (HD) |
Evidence of research |
Shows little or no evidence of research. Use of literature and additional materials is limited and/or largely irrelevant. Does not include at least two recently published sources external to the course, and/or at least two of the required readings from the course. |
Shows some awareness of related research and draws on some relevant literature. Uses only immediately available information and does not draw effectively on academic literature and other sources to support claims. |
Engages with the relevant and appropriate literature. Demonstrates awareness of the relevant field of study and key debates within in. Use of non-academic sources is appropriate. Uses a variety of sources to support claims.
Shows greater critical engagement with the literature. There is a clear ability to identify high-quality sources. There is clear evidence that the author has read widely, has consulted a variety of different sources and understands their contribution to essay question/topic. |
Shows advanced engagement with the literature. The work demonstrates an advanced ability to identify high-quality sources and critically assess them. The author engages in a dialogue with literature that clearly situates their own argument with broader scholarly debates. |
Critical analysis |
Argument is descriptive, unclear, contradictory and/or wholly unpersuasive. Limited to no engagement with the essay question/topic. |
Addresses the essay question/topic, however, demonstrates limited ability to identify its scholarly importance. The work avoids engaging with complexity and largely relies on descriptive analysis.
Can break large ideas, concepts or problems down into components parts and explain them. Provides critical analysis of multiple aspects of essay question/topic, developed through some reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of related arguments. |
Shows deeper engagement with key concepts and debates, demonstrating an advanced knowledge and understanding of ideas, concepts or problems. Clear in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of related arguments.
Offers a sophisticated and unique perspective that provides a clear, nuanced and persuasive critical analysis of the essay question/topic. Evaluates the topic from a coherent and consistent position and has powerful rationale for its defence. |
Argumentation |
Poor development of argument, which is either illogical or insufficient structured. The argument lacks coherence with little/no use of evidence to support its claims. Large sections of irrelevant discussion may be included. |
Basic development of argument, though with some poorly supported or substantiated claims and/or vague and generalised assertions. Argument may be hard to discern. Some of the discussion may not relevant. |
Development of a clearly identifiable argument that engages with essay question/topic and is supported by evidence and research. Argument is weakened by the presence of some vague and generalised assertions, or by discussion that confuses of detracts from the argument. |
Logically developed, coherent, and persuasive argument with good use of evidence and research to substantiate claims. Some minor issues related to argumentation may be present. All discussion is relevant to the argument and advances it in some way. |
Demonstrates and highly persuasive, thoughtful and unique argument with no issues with argumentation. All discussion is clearly relevant and effectively prosecutes the argument. |
Presentation |
Does not follow a coherent of logical structure. Poorly written to the extent of being difficult to comprehend. |
Adheres to most expectations regarding the formatting and presentation of work. Follows an appropriate essay structure. Writing may be confusing or awkward, though can be understood. |
Adheres to all expectations regarding the formatting and presentation of work. Structure supports the argument. Writing is clear. |
The structure of the essay is logical and coherent, providing an effective basis for making an argument. Adheres to all expectations and conventions with all expected attributes present. Writing is clear and effective. |
Structure is coherent and logical and clearly provides a strong basis for making an argument. All expected attributes present but have been creatively interpreted. A unique but appropriate presentation of work. Writing is clear and exceptionally persuasive. |
Referencing |
Absence or inaccurate use of Harvard referencing conventions. May constitute an academic integrity issue. |
Basic Harvard referencing accurate but lacks consistency. Citations may be missing. |
Consistent use of Harvard of referencing with some errors. |
Use of Harvard referencing is accurate and consistent. Contains only very minor errors. |
Use of Harvard referencing is accurate, consistent and appropriate. Without error. |
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