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日期:2024-05-13 11:42

APH 103 Final Project Report

This sample report only provides basic structure and key points that should be covered in each section. Please note that the answer is not necessarily fixed and mostly subjective (except for the results of statistical analyses), and reports will be graded based on the grading rubrics presented at the end of this document.


Introduction should cover some backgrounds in the study and include literature review. It should discuss the importance of the topic. It should also provide a preview of the specific analyses and/or results.


2.1 A Questionnaire Sample (Can use ChatGPT to help design)

Questionnaire: Sufficiency of English Classes at XJTLU for Further Study

1. Demographics

o What is your major?

o What year/level are you in?

2. English Class Experience

o How many English classes have you taken at XJTLU?

o Please list the names of these English classes.

3. English Proficiency

o Would you consider your English skills proficient for further study? (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)

4. Overall Satisfaction

o How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the English classes at XJTLU? (Options: Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Unsatisfied, Very Unsatisfied)

5. Class Content

o Do you feel the content of the English classes at XJTLU is geared towards preparing students for further study? (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)

6. Skill Improvement

o Which English skills, if any, do you feel have improved as a result of your English classes at XJTLU? (Options: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, None)

7. Teaching Quality

o How would you rate the teaching quality of the English classes at XJTLU? (Options: Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, Very Poor)

8. Further Study

o Do you feel that the English classes at XJTLU have adequately prepared you for further study? (Options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree)

9. Suggestions for Improvement

o What improvements or changes, if any, would you suggest for the English classes at XJTLU to better prepare students for further study?

Your data collection tool could be adjusted based on the information you'd like to gather. The feedback received from this questionnaire can help improve the English class experience at XJTLU and ensure they're adequately preparing students for further study.

This questionnaire can serve as a starting point for gathering valuable feedback from students at XJTLU regarding the sufficiency of English classes for further study. Remember to adapt the questions to suit the specific context and objectives of your research.

2.2 Sampling Survey Design

Show the process of sample size calculation and present a flowchart for the design.

2.3 Model/Analyses:

1. Describe task 1 (Your personal design/Selected study design);

2. Describe task 2 (Descriptive statistics);

3. Describe task 3 (Analyses).


Task 2:

Figure 2: Study profile


Table 1: Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics

Task 3:

4-Conclusions and Discussion

Task 4



6.1 A Snapshot of the Questionnaire

6.2 Original Records of ALL Answered Questionnaire

6.3 Processed Datasets

6.4 Literature Review Record

6.5 Drafts

Grading Rubrics:

APH 103: Advanced Methods in Biostatistics [Assessment Criteria for Final Project]

Learning Outcome



Pass with Merit

Pass with Distinction

A Understand the core concepts of survey sampling

No/limited attempt to design a sampling scheme that was relevant to the topic.

Sufficient work in sampling scheme design. Sampling scheme could be further developed to make sample more convincing.

Extensive work in sampling scheme design.

The work is supported by the method and correctly formatted.

Excellent/comprehensive work in sampling scheme design.

Justification is fully supported based on relevant articles and results are readily publishable.

B Acquire a thorough knowledge of major sampling methodology

No/limited attempt to design a questionnaire. All needed data and report was created by AI.

Sufficient work in design a questionnaire and collect data.

The design of questionnaire could be developed by AI, while the data was collected in person. There was limited literature used in the report.

Questionnaire and data collecting are extensive and well-informed by appropriate methods and all work is initially done by hand. There was sufficient literature used in the report.

The questionnaire and data are comprehensive and well-informed based on extensive use of literature. All work is done by hand. There was extensive literature used in the report.

C Comprehend important topics in survey methodology

No/limited attempt to do analyses or the analyses are fundamentally inappropriate.

 Sufficient work in sample analysis. The results and discussions could be presented in better graphical form.


Extensive analyses have been conducted based on sound judgement and have led to accurate results.

Excellent/comprehensive analyses have been done based on sound judgement and literature review. The results are convincingly accurate with professional interpretations.


D Gain sufficient statistical knowledge and skills in survey data analysis

No/limited attempt to utilize survey sampling methods to support a conclusion.  All final report was generated by AI.

Sufficient evidence and logical thinking based on correct results to support a conclusion. Most of the report was done initially by hand except for the questionnaire.

Extensive evidence and logical thinking based on accurate results and sound judgement to support a conclusion. The draft was done initially by hand and fine-tuned by AI.

Excellent evidence and logical thinking based on accurate results and sound judgement. The conclusion is professionally well-written with valuable insights. All reported content is not supported by AI. The report had undergone several rounds of revision by hand.





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