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日期:2024-05-13 11:42

APH 103 Final Report

AY 2023-2024 Spring Semester

1. Project Overview:

This final project is designed to assess all the learning outcomes in this course in a holistic way. You will be asked to conduct a sample survey on the topics in the appendix with the following ones as examples and each student will be randomly assigned a topic with one chance to switch.

1. Whether the English classes in XJTLU are sufficient for further study?

2. How should generative AI be permitted for students in the course assessments?

3. Do early classes have poor teaching effects? Consider sleep habit as a stratification factor.

4. "The Impact of XJTLU's Bilingual Teaching Method on Students' Learning Experiences" - This topic can help assess how effectively the bilingual education system in XJTLU caters to the students' learning needs. Will Chinese supplement reduce the barriers to learn the subject? Consider the year as a stratification factor.

5. "Assessing Student Satisfaction with XJTLU Library Facilities" - This topic would aim to determine if the current library resources and facilities sufficiently support students' academic needs.

6. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in XJTLU" - In light of the shift towards online learning, this topic could explore student satisfaction and success with online educational platforms.

7. "Exploring the Relationship between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance among XJTLU Students" - This survey could be used to understand how involvement in non-academic activities impacts student grades and learning.

8. "Understanding Student Perspectives on Career Services in XJTLU" - This topic could examine whether the current career services at XJTLU meet students' needs and expectations for post-graduation employment.

9. "Assessing Mental Health Resources and Student Well-being at XJTLU" - Mental health has become a significant concern in universities. This topic could explore if the available resources on campus sufficiently support students' mental health.

2. Report Format:

You SHOULD NOT write your report as an assignment, i.e., just post your answer/output for each of the tasks. Rather, you SHOULD WRITE IT AS A PAPER! This means you should think and organize all your answers in a creative and tidy way and your final report should look like a paper ready for conference/journal submission!!

Required structure of your paper: 1-Introduction; 2-Methods (A Questionnaire Sample, Design and Model/Analyses); 3-Results; 4-Conclusions and Discussion; 5-References; 6-Appendix. You should cite and make bibliography in APA style. Word limit: 1000-3000 words (figures, tables, references and appendix excluded).

File format: PDF Only. Font: Times New Roman size 12 only. Text needs to be double-spaced! Please also include a title page which includes the title of your paper, your name and student ID. You should also include an appendix where you shall paste all of your procedure for calculating sample size and operation results of the actual questionnaire collection platform. The procedure should be clearly presented, appropriately annotated and well organized by the tasks.  Warning: If you don’t include a thinking procedure, you will automatically lose 50% of your grade!!  

3. Tasks:

Task 1. Your personal design:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts of sampling.

2. Select appropriate sampling methods for samples.

3. Reflect personal thinking in the method operation process and questionnaire design.

Task 2. Descriptive statistics: 

1. The information collected in the questionnaire design is summarized.

2. The relevant variables used in the selected sampling model are explained.

3. Perform. descriptive statistical analysis of the data, including calculating various statistical indicators and making statistical charts to understand the basic characteristics and distributions of the data.

4. Combine other relevant knowledge to expand and optimize the model methods. Try to use exploratory data analysis methods to dig deeper into the relationship and trend between the data, find the correlation between variables and abnormal situations, to further analyze and interpret the data.

Task 3. Analyses: 

1. Clean up the collected data, including deleting invalid data, correcting erroneous data, etc., to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data.

2. Analyse the data you have collected using comparisons or other models.

3. Try to analyze whether there is a correlation among variables, as well as the direction and strength of the correlation. Embodies the flexible use of models and related formulas.

Task 4. Conclusions and Discussions:

1. Based on the results of the data analysis, explain the conclusions and findings of the analysis, and explain the inferences of the sample data about the overall characteristics and their statistical significance.

2. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your design, how they potentially limit the effectiveness of your analysis and be able to suggest possible solutions.

Task 5: Paper writing & format:

1. Writing your report as a scientific manuscript. which has the required structure, i.e., introduction, method, results, discussion, reference and appendix.

2. Your analyses and results of the above 4 tasks should be well embedded in your written paper and you should provide tables and figures when necessary.

3. The introduction should contain an overview of this project as well as relevant literature (with 3 citations at least); it should also include the main goals of your analyses.

4. The method section should include detailed descriptions of your analyses, the datasets, the models you use and so on.

5. The results section should include all the required output, tables, numbers and figures. The conclusions and discussion section should at least have the summary of your findings, your interpretations and discussion of the limitations.

6. The reference section should include all the papers cited by you in the main text in APA 6th edition format.

7. The appendix section should have your original record of all answered questionnaires, processed datasets, etc.

8. Your writing should be coherent, and your logical flow should be easily understood and reasonable. Your paper should be properly formatted and titled.

[Learning Outcome Assessed: A, B, C and D]

4. Module Learning Outcomes:


Understand the core concepts of survey sampling


Acquire a thorough knowledge of major sampling methodology


Comprehend important topics in survey methodology


Gain sufficient statistical knowledge and skills in survey data analysis

5. Grading Rubrics:

APH 103: Advanced Methods in Biostatistics [Assessment Criteria for Final Report

Learning Outcome



Pass with Merit

Pass with Distinction

A Understand the core concepts of survey sampling

No/limited attempt to design a sampling scheme that was relevant to the topic.

Sufficient work in sampling scheme design. Sampling scheme could be further developed to make sample more convincing.

Extensive work in sampling scheme design.

The work is supported by the method and correctly formatted.

Excellent/comprehensive work in sampling scheme design.

Justification is fully supported based on relevant articles and results are readily publishable.

B Acquire a thorough knowledge of major sampling methodology

No/limited attempt to design a questionnaire. All needed data and report was created by AI.

Sufficient work in design a questionnaire and collect data.

The design of questionnaire could be developed by AI, while the data was collected in person. There was limited literature used in the report.

Questionnaire and data collecting are extensive and well-informed by appropriate methods and all work is initially done by hand. There was sufficient literature used in the report.

The questionnaire and data are comprehensive and well-informed based on extensive use of literature. All work is done by hand. There was extensive literature used in the report.

C Comprehend important topics in survey methodology

No/limited attempt to do analyses or the analyses are fundamentally inappropriate.

 Sufficient work in sample analysis. The results and discussions could be presented in better graphical form.


Extensive analyses have been conducted based on sound judgement and have led to accurate results.

Excellent/comprehensive analyses have been done based on sound judgement and literature review. The results are convincingly accurate with professional interpretations.


D Gain sufficient statistical knowledge and skills in survey data analysis

No/limited attempt to utilize survey sampling methods to support a conclusion.  All final report was generated by AI.

Sufficient evidence and logical thinking based on correct results to support a conclusion. Most of the report was done initially by hand except for the questionnaire.

Extensive evidence and logical thinking based on accurate results and sound judgement to support a conclusion. The draft was done initially by hand and fine-tuned by AI.

Excellent evidence and logical thinking based on accurate results and sound judgement. The conclusion is professionally well-written with valuable insights. All reported content is not supported by AI. The report had undergone several rounds of revision by hand.

6. The Appendix

1. Whether the English classes in XJTLU are sufficient for further study?

2. How should generative AI be permitted for students in the course assessments?

3. Do early classes have poor teaching effects? Consider sleep habit as a stratification factor.

4. "The Impact of XJTLU's Bilingual Teaching Method on Students' Learning Experiences" - This topic can help assess how effectively the bilingual education system in XJTLU caters to the students' learning needs. Will Chinese supplement reduce the barriers to learn the subject? Consider the year as a stratification factor.

5. "Assessing Student Satisfaction with XJTLU Library Facilities" - This topic would aim to determine if the current library resources and facilities sufficiently support students' academic needs.

6. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in XJTLU" - In light of the shift towards online learning, this topic could explore student satisfaction and success with online educational platforms.

7. "Exploring the Relationship between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance among XJTLU Students" - This survey could be used to understand how involvement in non-academic activities impacts student grades and learning.

8. "Understanding Student Perspectives on Career Services in XJTLU" - This topic could examine whether the current career services at XJTLU meet students' needs and expectations for post-graduation employment.

9. "Assessing Mental Health Resources and Student Well-being at XJTLU" - Mental health has become a significant concern in universities. This topic could explore if the available resources on campus sufficiently support students' mental health.

10. Student Satisfaction at XJTLU: Assess the overall student satisfaction level across various aspects such as teaching, facilities, and support services.

11. Course Delivery Efficiency: Analyze the effectiveness of different course delivery methods (online, offline) at XJTLU.

12. Graduate Employment Rates: Investigate the percentage of XJTLU graduates finding employment within six months of graduation.

13. Facilities Evaluation: Evaluate the quality, accessibility, and usefulness of facilities such as libraries, labs, classrooms, etc.

14. Faculty Qualifications: Assess the qualifications of the faculty and their impact on the quality of education offered.

15. E-Learning vs Traditional Learning Preferences: Find out student preferences for online versus traditional in-person learning.

16. Health and Wellness Supports: Investigate the adequacy and effectiveness of health and wellness initiatives and services.

17. Accessibility Services: Evaluate the availability and effectiveness of services for students with special needs.

18. Student Involvement in Societies: Analyze level and impact of student participation in clubs and societies.

19. Academic Advisory System: Assess how well the academic advisory system supports students' academic journey.

20. Cultural Diversity: Examine the degree of cultural diversity on campus and its impact on student experience.

21. International Student Experience: Understand the experiences and challenges of international students at XJTLU.

22. Student Housing: Assess the quality, accessibility, and affordability of student housing options.

23. Student Retention Rates: Investigate student retention rates and factors influencing these rates.

24. Scholarship Programs: Analyze the impact and utilization of scholarship programs on student experience and performance.

25. Career Services Impact: Evaluate the effectiveness of career services in assisting students with job placements and career development.

26. Role of Internships: Examine the importance and impact of internships in the coursework and future employment of students.

27. Library Resource Satisfaction: Evaluate student satisfaction with regards to library resources and services.

28. COVID-19 Impact: Understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning, mental health, and overall university experience.

29. Distance Learning Programs: Assess the quality and effectiveness of distance learning programs offered by XJTLU.

30. Mental Health Supports: Investigate the availability and effectiveness of mental health support services.

31. Campus Food Services: Evaluate the quality and variety of food services offered on campus.

32. Impact of Class Size: Analyze the impact of class size on student learning and engagement.

25. Peer-to-Peer Learning Initiatives: Assess the effectiveness of peer-to-peer learning initiatives in promoting student engagement and understanding.

26.  Teaching Quality: Evaluate students' perspectives on the quality of teaching and instruction at XJTLU.

27. Gender Equality: Analyze gender distribution among staff and students and scrutinize policies in place to ensure gender equality.

28. Study Abroad Programs: Assess the popularity, effectiveness, and impact of XJTLU's study abroad programs.

29. First-Year Student Experiences: Collect data on first-year students' experiences and challenges to determine areas of potential improvement.

30. Role of Parents in University Life: Examine how parental involvement affects student experience and success at XJTLU.

31. Undergraduate Research Opportunities: Evaluate the availability and quality of research opportunities for undergraduate students.

32. Continuing Education Programs: Assess the need for continuing education programs and their perceived value among XJTLU students.

33. Campus Safety Measures: Evaluate the effectiveness of safety measures on the XJTLU campus and students' feelings of security.

34. Extracurriculars' Impact: Examine the impact of extracurricular activities on students' development and university life.

35. Curriculum Enhancement Plan: Investigate the progress and effectiveness of XJTLU's curriculum enhancement plan.

36. XJTLU's Community Contribution: Analyze XJTLU's contribution to the local community in terms of economic impact and social initiatives.

37. Tuition Costs Impact: Evaluate how tuition costs affect student enrollment and diversity.

38. Sports in Students’ Life: Assess the role and importance of sports activities in students' university life.

39. Course Demand: Analyze the relationship between course demand and program offerings to evaluate current curriculum design.

40. Faculty Satisfaction: Examine job satisfaction among faculty members and its impact on the teaching and learning environment.

41. Sustainability Initiatives: Evaluate the effectiveness and student awareness of XJTLU's sustainability initiatives.

42. Disability Services: Assess the quality and impact of disability services provided by the university.

43. Entrepreneurship Programs: Analyze the effectiveness and impact of entrepreneurship programs on fostering entrepreneurial skills among students.

44. Diversity and Inclusivity Policies: Evaluate the effectiveness of diversity and inclusivity policies in promoting an inclusive campus environment.

45. Global Trends in Higher Education: Analyze how XJTLU is adapting to global trends in higher education (e.g., digitalization, sustainability, etc.).

46. Peer Mentoring: Evaluate the effectiveness of peer mentoring programs in enhancing student success and engagement.

47. Student Productivity: Assess the impact of factors such as study spaces and course scheduling on student productivity.

48. Financial Aid Services: Evaluate the availability and student satisfaction with financial aid services.

49. Orientation Programs: Assess the effectiveness of orientation programs in helping new students transition to university life.

50. Work-Study Programs: Evaluate the availability, participation, and impact of work-study programs on student experience and finances.

51. Major Selection Trends: Identify trends in students' choice of majors and the factors influencing their decisions.

52. Leadership Training Programs: Assess the effectiveness and popularity of leadership training programs among students.

53. Academic Integrity Policies: Evaluate the clarity, enforcement, and student understanding of academic integrity policies.

54. Online Course Platforms: Evaluate the user-friendliness and effectiveness of online course platforms used by XJTLU.

55. Student Government Role: Investigate the role and impact of student government on policymaking and student life.

56. Lifelong Learning Opportunities: Examine XJTLU's emphasis on and provision of lifelong learning opportunities.

57. Exam Support Systems: Evaluate the availability and effectiveness of support systems for students during exam periods.

58. Digital Literacy: Evaluate the level of digital literacy among XJTLU students and its impact on their learning experience.

59. Part-Time Jobs: Assess the availability and impact of part-time jobs on student life and finances at XJTLU.

60. Scholarships' Impact on Performance: Analyze the impact of scholarship programs on boosting academic performance and easing financial pressures for students.

61. Language Support Services: Evaluate the effectiveness and usage of language support services for students for whom English is not their first language.

62. Student-Professor Interactions: Examine the nature and frequency of student-professor interactions outside of the classroom.

63. Time Management: Assess how students manage their time between studies, part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, and personal life.

64. Stress Management: Evaluate the level of stress among students and what support systems are in place to help them manage it.

65. Peer Competition: Analyze the level of competition among peers and its impact on the learning environment.

66. Drop-out Rates: Investigate reasons for student dropouts and measures to prevent them.

67. Education Technology: Assess the adoption and effectiveness of educational technology in enhancing learning.

68. Collaborations with Industry: Evaluate the extent and impact of collaborations with industries and businesses.

69. Public Transport Access: Assess the convenience and frequency of public transport access for students commuting to and from campus.

70. Social Activities: Evaluate the range and participation in social activities arranged by XJTLU.

71. Student-run Businesses: Assess the support for and success of student-run businesses on campus.

72. Part-time Study Options: Investigate the availability and flexibility of part-time study options.

73. Graduate Studies: Evaluate the support for students wishing to pursue graduate studies, such as workshops, advising, etc.

74. Impact of Infrastructure: Analyze how the physical infrastructure of the university impacts student life and learning.

75. Art and Cultural Opportunities: Assess the availability and participation in art and cultural opportunities on campus.

76. Family Accommodation: Examine the provision for students with families in terms of accommodation and support.




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