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日期:2024-03-02 10:02

Principles for Responsible Management (MGMT5526)

Assessment 2a

Regenerative Business, Planetary Health and the SDG’s (Sustainable

Development Goals)

Image: Paula Prekopova on Unsplash

Background (Text extracted from the Planetary Health Alliance website)

There is no doubt that our global environment is changing – from the hottest years on record,

to the worldwide disappearance of pollinators, to the global collapse of fisheries, and to our

use of about half of the planet's liveable surface to feed ourselves.

We are now in a new geological era, the Anthropocene, characterized by humanity’s dramatic

impact on Earth’s biophysical conditions. And though the average global citizen’s health has

improved over the past century, the stability of our planet’s life support systems has sharply

declined—putting recent public health and development gains at risk.

It is not just climate change; it is everything change! We face not only a disrupted climate

system, but the 6th mass extinction of life on Earth; global scale pollution of air, water, and

soil; shortages of arable land and freshwater; pervasive changes in land use and cover; and

degradation of marine systems.

These anthropogenic environmental changes affect the quality of the air we breathe and of the

water we drink, the quality and quantity of food we produce, our exposure to infectious diseases,


and even the habitability of the places where we live. Changes to natural life support systems

are already impacting our health and are projected to drive the majority of the global burden of

disease over the coming century, hitting today’s most vulnerable people and future generations

the hardest.

Everything is connected — changing our planet’s natural systems comes back to affect us, and

not always in ways that we would expect. Understanding and acting upon these challenges calls

for massive collaboration across disciplinary and national boundaries to safeguard our health

(Planetary Health Alliance).

Dave comments: When you read above that ‘everything is connected’, literally, ‘everything’

means ‘everything’. Because of this recognition of the ‘interconnectedness’ of global systems,

you don’t have to let your thinking roam too far to recognise that business has a significant role

to play in responding positively to the bigger planetary health picture. That’s where, not only

this unit, but this series of assessment items comes in. So, let’s dive straight in and take a look

at what Assessment 2a is all about.

Assessment 2a – Team-based

Regenerative business,

planetary health and the

SDG’s (Sustainable

Development Goals) Written

Report (Worth 30 % of the

overall mark for this unit)

This is a team-based

assessment with 4 - 5

members in each team.

Image: Scott Graham on Unsplash

The organisation you work for has made a commitment to become a regenerative business, and

indeed, your organisation has made some progress in this regard. However, it is a long journey,

and there is still much work to be done. As a starting point, your organization has focused its

attention on the SDG’s as a framework for initiating improvement.

With the above in mind, you are required to prepare a written professional business report of

2000 words +/- 5% (1900 – 2100 words) based on an organisation of your choice. The

organisation can be located in any country and can be from any industry sector.


For the purpose of this assignment, you are not only an employee of this organisation, but

you are also part of the management team tasked with writing this report.


The report you are preparing will be a valuable source of information guiding purpose-driven

strategy and decision-making for your organisation moving forward.

Be careful that you write the report as if it is written by staff members from the organization

i.e., it is an internally written report. Your choice of words and use of language must be

reflective of an ‘internally’ written report.

• Wording such as …..At xyz we

view sustainability as critical to our

success. Accordingly, in our efforts

to……etc. etc. would be appropriate.

• Wording such as……XYZ have

much work to do to achieve

sustainability. They need to do abc, and

we suggest that they also do the

following……..would not be appropriate.

You see, there’s a difference. The first

indicates that you are part of xyz, the

second sounds like you’re an outsider.

• This is just an example. There are

many ways to craft text in an appropriate

manner. Just be aware who you are when

writing this report and write it


Image: Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

Reporting period of interest: This report focusses on the performance of your organisation

for the two-year period 01 July 2021 – 30 June 2023. The two-year period of interest is

intentional for the reason noted below.

Warning: Although it is acceptable to make some reference in the report to your organisation’s

efforts prior to the reporting period of interest, you should stick to the desired reporting period

as far as possible. In other words, don’t pick an SDG and then start talking in detail about what

your organisation did in e.g., 2018, or any other time outside of the above stipulated reporting

period. This is not what is sought. It is old news, and likely no longer relevant. Thus, pick an

organisation that provides you with sufficient accessible information enabling you to write your

report covering the period in question.


General task overview:

a. Introduce the 17 UN SDG’s, describing briefly what they are, how they came about and

their purpose. Also, identify those most ‘material/relevant’ to your organisation. See

point 4 below in ‘Report Structure’. To save your word count, you may choose to insert

an image of the 17 SDG’s in your report, and then use your word count to discuss other

key details such as when and why they originated, for whom and so on.

b. Select two of the SDG’s most material/relevant to your organisation and describe what

your organisation is doing to address each SDG. In other words, how is your

organisation positively contributing to each of the selected SDG areas.

c. Next, present one brief suggestion for each SDG highlighting what your organisation

could be doing to be even more effective in the future. In other words, what could they

do to move from being sustainable, which is a great start, to being restorative and

preferably regenerative, which is even better. You should provide timelines.

d. Then, considering your

organisation’s total operations,

and, thinking about the wider

impact that your organisation has

on the environment and on society

(think here about planetary health),

what does the organisation do that

has a negative impact on any of the

thus far non-identified 17 SDG

areas? Select and comment on one

such SDG area.

e. In respect to this SDG, what could

your organisation do differently to

have at the very least a neutral

effect, and better still, a net positive

restorative or regenerative effect?

f. Finally, what conclusions can you

draw about your business as a

regenerative business in respect to

planetary health.

Image: Eyoel Kahssay on Unsplash


Report Structure

You MUST use the following numbered headings and sub-headings in your submission.

The full report would include:

1. One (1) page Executive

Summary (not included in the word

count). Note that this is not an

introduction. Rather it is an overview of

all the key information contained in the

report. It is a good idea to write this

executive summary after you have

prepared everything else.

• Please do your research on what

an Executive Summary is if you don’t


2. Contents page (not included in

word count).

3. Introduction (100 words) –

Introduce your organisation. Note, from

hereon I will refer to your company as xyz.

Image: Casey Horner on Unsplash

This section covers information such as who xyz is, their age, what they do, their purpose, their

strategy, and market information such as industry competitiveness, their position, what drives

the market and any relevant key customer information.

4. The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

1. Introduction to the 17 SDG’s (150 words approximately).

2. The relevance of the SDG’s to xyz (150 words approximately).

5. Xyz action in response to SDG’s – Select two SDG’s and identify what xyz is doing

with respect to each (400 words approximately and therefore 200 words for each).

1. SDG x (Actual SDG number and identity)

2. SDG y (Actual SDG number and identity)

6. SDG Improvements – Discuss what xyz could be doing to be more effective in respect

to the above two SDG’s (400 words approximately, and therefore approximately 200


words for each). The key here is to explore how xyz can move from just being

sustainable, which is a great start, to being restorative and preferably regenerative.

i. SDG x (Actual SDG number and identity)

ii. SDG y (Actual SDG number and identity)

7. Negative business impact – Identify how xyz is having a negative impact on one of

the SDG’s not discussed above in parts 5 and 6 (200 words approximately).

8. Addressing negative impacts - What xyz could do differently in respect to this SDG

(mentioned in part 7) to have at the very least a neutral effect, and better still, a positive

restorative/regenerative effect? (300 words approximately).

9. Conclusions – What conclusions can you draw about your business as a regenerative

business and how through what they do they are contributing positively to planetary

health (300 words approximately).

10. References (Not included in the word count) – All the requirements of referencing

(APA style) must be adhered to.

11. Appendix (Additional materials. Not marked and not included in word count) – This

could include examples of regenerative businesses that you found doing your research.

Background reading:

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)

Before commencing work on this report, you

should read and become familiar with the United

Nation’s pages on Sustainable Development and

the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). You

can access this information via the link:


Regenerative Business

In terms of regenerative business, you could make

a useful start by looking at the following:




Image: Pop and Zebra on Unsplash








Planetary Health

Figure Ref: Prescott, S. L., Logan, A. C., Bristow, J., Rozzi, R., Moodie, R., Redvers, N., ... & Berman, B.

(2022). Exiting the Anthropocene: Achieving personal and planetary health in the 21st century. Allergy, 77(12),


In terms of planetary health, you should start by visiting and exploring the Planetary Health

Alliance (PHA) website located at https://www.planetaryhealthalliance.org/

There are many excellent resources available from this site. Also, if you wish, as a student you

can also join the PHA. Please note that this is NOT a requirement for this unit. I mention this

simply because it might be something that you would like to do to be able to interact with

others at other Universities around the world on planetary health issues. Over 400 Universities

are now connected to the PHA. Indeed, many of my past students have found the topic to be

not only of personal interest, but also important to them for their chosen careers.

The above are just a starting point. If you come across other examples, please make a note of

them and include them in your report Appendix section (not included in word count). This

would be very helpful to me in compiling a more extensive database of relevant materials and

to future students of this and other relevant units.


Note that there are many other materials available that will be useful for you in the preparation

of this report. It is up to you to do the required research beyond the above.

Word count: Your team submission should be 2000 words +/- 5% (1900 – 2100 words) in

length. All team members will receive the same mark. Please read the penalty conditions in the

unit outline for exceeding the accepted limit of 2100 words.

Submission: Please prepare your team submission as a double-spaced 12pt font Microsoft

Word Document and save it as follows: e.g. 2a_yourteamnumber.doc


1. Please ensure that you submit your

document to Turnitin first via the link provided

in the Assessment 2 folder. You need to do this

to obtain a similarity index.

2. I recommend that you do this before 5pm

on the 8th April allowing for time to get the

similarity index before the main Assignment due

date and time of 5pm, 9th April 2024 online via


3. Use of ChatGPT and similar - The use of

AI-generated Large Language Models such as

Chat GPT or similar, which includes any

language translation software, is not permitted

for any aspect of any assessment work in this


Image: No revisions on Unsplash.

Additional important information regarding Assessment items 2a and 2b

Personal learning journal (PLJ)

Students are required to keep a personal learning journal (PLJ) in which they record their

contributions to class discussions, document any questions or insights that arise during the class,

meetings with the unit coordinator, tutor or others, or their own self-directed learning and

associated reflections on the content, process of learning and meaning thereof for themselves.

Please bring a booklet to each class session and team meeting to make notes on the above.


Although the personal learning journal will not directly be assessed, it will be useful for

revision purposes and for providing guidance for self-directed learning as well as discussion

with me or others both now and in the future. You will find these learning journals and their

preparation a very valuable experience. Please take note that I may request to see your learning

journals (though not your own self-reflections, so perhaps keep these in a separate part of your

journal i.e., the back).

Team project log (TPL)

Further, for the team-based assessment items you should keep a team project log record of

each meeting held detailing:

i. A record of when you met (and plan to meet)

ii. A record of what was discussed at each meeting (and will be discussed), and by whom.

iii. A description of any tasks allocated together with the identification of the person

allocated to the task as well as any date-related information i.e., when due, when

completed etc.

It is your responsibility to prepare this TPL. You should identify a different meeting facilitator

and record keeper for each meeting (noting these details for each meeting in your project log

record too). Again, this diary/log is not assessed but you will find it a useful resource for

managing your project as well as meetings, and in addition, noting who has done what, or not

as the case may be!

Important: It is your responsibility to keep your 1) individual learning journal and your 2)

team project log record up-to-date and to make them available for review if requested by your

unit coordinator. While

no mark is assigned for

completing these

documents, failure to be

able to provide them

when requested would

not be viewed

favourably and would

indicate a lack of

commitment to your

team and to your

personal learning.

Furthermore, depending

on the circumstances,

failure to provide these

documents when called

Image: Will Turner on Unsplash


upon to do so, and also, any evidence that supports that individuals’ have not ‘pulled their

weight’ and contributed fairly to the team, may also be interpreted as unsatisfactory

performance in this unit.

Now that you have been introduced to assessment 2a, it would be useful to take a look at

Assessment 2b, also found in the LMS for this unit. Assessment 2b, which not surprisingly is

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