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日期:2024-10-22 09:08

Assignment 2 (DDL: 2024/10/20)

1. Point Estimation (15 pts)

The Poisson distribution is a useful discrete distribution which can be used to model the

number of occurrences of something per unit time. For example, in networking, packet arrival

density is often modeled with the Poisson distribution. If   is Poisson distributed, i.e., its probability mass function takes the following form:

2. Source of Error: Part 1 (15 pts)

Suppose that we are given an independent and identically distributed sample of   points { &}

where each point  & ∼  ( , 1) is distributed according to a normal distribution with mean  

and variance 1. You are going to analyze different estimators of the mean  .

(a) Suppose that we use the estimator  ̂= 1 for the mean of the sample, ignoring the

observed data when making our estimate. Give the bias and variance of this estimator  ̂.

Explainin a sentence whether this is a good estimator in general, and give an example of

when this is a good estimator.

(b) Now suppose that we use  ̂=  $ as an estimator of the mean. That is, we use the first

data point in our sample to estimate the mean of the sample. Give the bias and variance

of thisestimator  ̂. Explain in a sentence or two whether this is a good estimator or not.

(c) In the class you have seen the relationship between the MLE estimator and the least

squares problem. Sometimes it is useful to use the following estimate


For the mean, where the parameter   > 0 is a known number. The estimator  ̂ is biased,

but has lower variance than the sample mean  ̅=  "$ ∑&  & which is an unbiased

estimator for  . Give the bias and variance of the estimator  ̂.

3. Source of Error: Part 2 (15 pts)

In class we discussed the fact that machine learning algorithms for function approximation

are also a kind of estimator (of the unknown target function), and that errors in function

approximation arise from three sources: bias, variance, and unavoidable error. In this part of

the question you are going to analyze error when training Bayesian classifiers. Suppose that   is boolean,   is real valued,  (  = 1) = 1/2 and that the class conditional

distributions  ( | ) are uniform distributions with  ( |  = 1) =        [1,4] and

( |  = 0) =        [−4, −1]. (we use        [ ,  ] to denote a uniform probability

distribution between   and  , with zero probability outside the interval [ ,  ]).

(a) Plot the two class conditional probability distributions  ( |  = 0) and  ( |  = 1).

(b) What is the error of the optimal classifier? Note that the optimal classifier knows  (  =

1) ,  ( |  = 0) and  ( |  = 1) perfectly, and applies Bayes rule to classify new

examples. Recall that the error of a classifier is the probability that it will misclassify a new

 drawn at random from  ( ). The error of this optimal Bayes classifier is the unavoidable

error for this learning task.

(c) Suppose instead that  (  = 1) = 1/2 and that the class conditional distributions are

uniform distribution with  ( |  = 1) =        [0,4] and  ( |  = 0) =

      [−3,1]. What isthe unavoidable error in this case? Justify your answer.

(d) Consider again the learning task from part (a) above. Suppose we train a Gaussian Naive

Bayes (GNB) classifier using   training examples for this task, where   → ∞. Of course our

classifier will now (incorrectly) model  ( | ) as a Gaussian distribution, so it will be

biased: it cannot even represent the correct form of  ( | ) or  ( | ).

Draw again the plot you created in part (a), and add to it a sketch of the learned/estimated

class conditional probability distributions the classifier will derive from the infinite training

data. Write down an expression for the error of the GNB. (hint: your expression will

involve integrals - please don't bother solving them).

(e) So far we have assumed infinite training data, so the only two sources of error are bias

and unavoidable error. Explain in one sentences how your answer to part (d) above would

change if the number of training examples was finite. Will the error increase or decrease?

Which of the three possible sources of error would be present in this situation?

4. Gaussian (Naïve) Bayes and Logistic Regression (15 pts)

Recall that a generative classifier estimates  ( ,  ) =  ( ) ( | ), while a discriminative

classifier directly estimates  ( | ). (Note that certain discriminative classifiers are nonprobabilistic:

they directly estimate a function  ∶   →   instead of  ( | ).) For clarity, we

highlight   in bold to emphasize that it usually represents a vector of multiple attributes, i.e.,

 = { $,  +, . . . ,  %}. However, this question does not require students to derivethe answer

in vector/matrix notation.

In class we have observed an interesting relationship between a discriminative classifier

(logistic regression) and a generative classifier (Gaussian naive Bayes): the form of

( | )derived from the assumptions of a specific class of Gaussian naive Bayes classifiers is

precisely the form used by logistic regression. The derivation can be found in the required

reading: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom/mlbook/NBayesLogReg.pdf.We made the following

assumptions for Gaussian naive Bayes classifiers to model  ( ,  ) =  ( ) ( | ):

(1)   is a boolean variable following a Bernouli distribution, with parameter   =  (  = 1)

and thus  (  = 0) = 1 −  .

(2)   = { $,  +, . . . ,  %}, where each attribute  & is a continuous random variable. For each

& ,  ( &|  =  ) is a Gaussian distribution  ( &,,  &) . Note that  & is the standard

deviation of the Gaussian distribution (and thus  &

+ is the variance), which does not

depend on  .

(3) For all   ≠  ,  & and  - are conditionally independent given  . This is why this type of

classifier is called “naive”. We say this is a specific class of Gaussian naive Bayes classifiers because we have made an

assumption that the standard deviation  & of  ( &|  =  ) does not depend on the value   of

. This is not a general assumption for Gaussian naive Bayes classifiers.

Let's make our Gaussian naive Bayes classifiers a little more general by removing the

assumption that the standard deviation  & of  ( &|  =  ) does not depend on  . As a result,

for each  &,  ( &|  =  ) is Gaussian distribution  ( &,,  &,), where   = 1,2, . . . ,   and   =

0,1. Note that now the standard deviation  &, of  ( &|  =  ) depends on both the attribute

index   and the value   of  .

Question: is the new form of  ( | ) implied by this more general Gaussian naive Bayes

classifier still the form used by logistic regression? Derive the new form of  ( | ) to prove

your answer.

5. Programming (40 pts)

In this lab, please submit your code according to the following guidelines:

(a) Cross-Validation: https://qffc.uic.edu.cn/home/content/index/pid/276/cid/6530.html

Please try these three approaches holdout, K-fold and leave-p-out with the data file 2.1-


Submit ‘Exercise-handout.py’, ‘Exercise-k-fold.py’, and ‘Exercise-leave-p-out.py’

(b) Linear regression: https://qffc.uic.edu.cn/home/content/index/pid/276/cid/6541.html

Please modify linear_regression_lobf.py with the data file 2.2-Exercise.csv. For this task,

take the High column values as variables and Target column for prediction.

Submit ‘Exercise-linear_regression_lobf.py’

(c) Naïve Bayes: https://qffc.uic.edu.cn/home/content/index/pid/276/cid/6557.html

Here the dataset ‘basketball.csv’ used is for basketball games and weather conditions

where the target is if a basketball game is played in the given conditions or not, the

dataset is very small, just containing 14 rows and 5 columns.

Submit ‘Exercise-NB.py’

(d) Logistic regression: https://qffc.uic.edu.cn/home/content/index/pid/276/cid/6556.html

Use breast cancer from sklearn using following code: from sklearn.datasets import


Submit ‘Exercise-Logistic-Regression.py’

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