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日期:2024-10-16 10:36

Assignment 3

(Last Update: 10 Oct)


Download the code for this assignment and then unzip the archive.

As in assignments 1 and 2, this assignment uses python 3. Do not use python 2. You can

work on the assignment using your favorite python editor. We recommend VSCode.

Post any questions or issues with this assignment to our discussion forum. Alternatively, you

may also contact your TA directly.

This assignment uses auto-grading for Problem 1, Problem 2, and Problem 3. For this

assignment's first question, we rely on the random number generator generating the same

random sequence. Same as in Assignment 2. This time, we will be using the

random.choices() function as follows.

import random

from collections import Counter

seed = 2

if seed!=-1:

random.seed(seed, version=1)

n = 0.1 #noise

a = 'N' #intended action

d = {'N':['N', 'E', 'W'], 'E':['E', 'S', 'N'], 'S':['S', 'W', 'E'], 'W':['W', 'N', 'S']}

l = []

for _ in range(100000):

l += random.choices(population=d[a], weights=[1 - n*2, n, n])[0]

print(Counter(l).keys()) # equals to list(set(words))

print(Counter(l).values()) # counts the elements' frequency


This will give the following output.

dict_keys(['W', 'N', 'E'])

dict_values([10025, 80059, 9916])

['W', 'W', 'N', 'N', 'E']

Note that we obtain ~80% intended actions and 10% unintended actions here. Make sure that

you understand the output and that you can reproduce it on your machine before proceeding.

Note that we use anaconda python 3.9 to obtain the above result.  

Problem 1: An MDP Episode

In this part of the assignment, we will play an episode in an MDP by following a given

policy. Consider the first test case of problem 1 (available in the file


seed: 2

noise: 0.1

livingReward: -0.05


_ _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _


E E E exit

N # N exit


The first part of this file specifies an MDP. S is the start state with four available actions (N,

E, S, W), _ is an ordinary state with the same four available actions and 1,-1 are states where

the only available action is exit and the reward is 1 and -1 respectively. The reward for

action in other states is -0.05. # is a wall.

Actions are not deterministic in this environment. In this case with noise = 0.1, we are

successfully acting 80% of the time, and 20% of the time we will act perpendicular to the

intended direction with equal probability, i.e. 10%, for each unintended direction. If the agent

attempts to move into a wall, the agent will stay in the same position. Note that this MDP is

identical to the example we covered extensively in class.

The second part of this file specifies the policy to be executed.

As usual, your first task is to implement the parsing of this grid MDP in the function

read_grid_mdp_problem_p1(file_path) of the file parse.py. You may use any

appropriate data structure.

Next, you should implement running the episode in the function play_episode(problem)

in the file p1.py.

Below is the expected output. Note that we always use exactly 5 characters for the output of a

single grid and that the last line does not contain a new line.

Start state:

_ _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

P _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: 0.0


Taking action: W (intended: N)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ _ _ 1

_ # _ -1  P _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.05


Taking action: W (intended: N)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

P _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.1


Taking action: N (intended: N)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ _ _ 1

P # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.15


Taking action: N (intended: N)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

P _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.2


Taking action: S (intended: E)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ _ _ 1

P # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.25


Taking action: N (intended: N)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

P _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.3


Taking action: E (intended: E)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ P _ 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.35


Taking action: E (intended: E)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ _ P 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: -0.4


Taking action: E (intended: E)

Reward received: -0.05

New state:

_ _ _ P

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _ Cumulative reward sum: -0.45


Taking action: exit (intended: exit)

Reward received: 1.0

New state:

_ _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _

Cumulative reward sum: 0.55

As you can see, in this question we don’t use any discount factor. We will introduce that in

the next question. You can also try some of the other test cases such as


seed: 42

noise: 0.2

livingReward: -1


# 10 #

-100 _ -100

-100 _ -100

-100 _ -100

-100 _ -100

-100 S -100

# 1 #


# exit #

exit N exit

exit N exit

exit N exit

exit N exit

exit N exit

# exit #

With correct implementation, you should be able to pass all test cases.

(base) scdirk@Dirks-Air a3 % python p1.py -8

Grading Problem 1 :

----------> Test case 1 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 2 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 3 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 4 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 5 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 6 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 7 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 8 PASSED <----------

Problem 2: Policy Evaluation

In problem 2 you will implement policy evaluation as follows

This time we have discounting and we also introduce a new variable for the number of

iterations. Here is the first test case.

discount: 0.9

noise: 0.1

livingReward: 0

iterations: 10


-10 100 -10

-10 _ -10

-10 _ -10

-10 S -10


exit exit exit

exit N exit

exit N exit

exit N exit

Note that there is no randomness involved this time and that we use discounting.

As usual, your first task is to implement the parsing of this grid MDP in the function

read_grid_mdp_problem_p2(file_path) of the file parse.py. You may use any

appropriate data structure.

Next, you implement value iteration for policy evaluation as discussed in class. Your

policy_evaluation(problem) function in p2.py should return the evolution of values

as follows.


| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|

| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|

| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|

| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 0.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 0.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 0.00|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| -1.80|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| -1.80|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| -3.10|| -10.00|

V^pi_k=4 | -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 33.30|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 33.30|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 33.30|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 33.30|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 33.30|| -10.00|


| -10.00|| 100.00|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 70.20|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 48.74|| -10.00|

| -10.00|| 33.30|| -10.00|

This example should look familiar. We have covered it in chapter 2 of our lecture slides.

Hint: The output of an individual floating point value v was done as follows

return_value += '|{:7.2f}|'.format(v)

Finally, check the correctness of your implementation via

(base) scdirk@Dirks-Air a3 % python p2.py -7

Grading Problem 2 :

----------> Test case 1 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 2 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 3 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 4 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 5 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 6 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 7 PASSED <----------

Problem 3: Value Iteration

Now it is time to complement value iteration.

This time, the provided problems do not include policies:

discount: 1

noise: 0.1

livingReward: -0.1

iterations: 10


_ _ _ 1

_ # _ -1

S _ _ _

As usual, load the problem definition in the function

read_grid_mdp_problem_p3(file_path) of the file parse.py.

Next implement value_iteration(problem) in p3.py such that it returns the following string for

the first test case. Note that this is still a non-deterministic environment as before with the

same stochastic motion.


| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|

| 0.00|| ##### || 0.00|| 0.00|

| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|| 0.00|


| -0.10|| -0.10|| -0.10|| 1.00|

| -0.10|| ##### || -0.10|| -1.00|

| -0.10|| -0.10|| -0.10|| -0.10|


| N || N || N || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || N || N || N |


| -0.20|| -0.20|| 0.68|| 1.00|

| -0.20|| ##### || -0.20|| -1.00|

| -0.20|| -0.20|| -0.20|| -0.20|


| N || N || E || x |

| N || # || W || x |

| N || N || N || S |


| -0.30|| 0.40|| 0.75|| 1.00|

| -0.30|| ##### || 0.32|| -1.00|

| -0.30|| -0.30|| -0.30|| -0.30|


| N || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || N || N || S |


| 0.16|| 0.58|| 0.81|| 1.00|

| -0.40|| ##### || 0.43|| -1.00|

| -0.40|| -0.40|| 0.10|| -0.40|

pi_k=4 | E || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || N || N || S |


| 0.34|| 0.66|| 0.82|| 1.00|

| -0.05|| ##### || 0.49|| -1.00|

| -0.50|| -0.10|| 0.16|| -0.16|


| E || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || E || N || W |


| 0.46|| 0.69|| 0.83|| 1.00|

| 0.16|| ##### || 0.51|| -1.00|

| -0.20|| 0.01|| 0.26|| -0.08|


| E || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || E || N || W |


| 0.52|| 0.70|| 0.83|| 1.00|

| 0.30|| ##### || 0.52|| -1.00|

| 0.01|| 0.11|| 0.30|| 0.00|


| E || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || E || N || W |


| 0.54|| 0.71|| 0.83|| 1.00|

| 0.37|| ##### || 0.52|| -1.00|

| 0.15|| 0.16|| 0.32|| 0.04|


| E || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || E || N || W |


| 0.56|| 0.71|| 0.84|| 1.00|

| 0.41|| ##### || 0.52|| -1.00|

| 0.23|| 0.19|| 0.34|| 0.06|


| E || E || E || x |

| N || # || N || x |

| N || E || N || W |

Once you are done. Check if you can pass all test cases as follows.

(base) scdirk@Dirks-Air a3 % python p3.py -4

Grading Problem 3 :

----------> Test case 1 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 2 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 3 PASSED <----------

----------> Test case 4 PASSED <----------


Problem 4: Q-Value TD Learning

In the final problem of this assignment you will implement temporal difference learning of Q


Your task is to apply temporal difference learning of Q values to the test case 2 of problem 3

and see if you can get an optimal policy. Discount, noise and living reward should be the

same as specified in the test case. In your solution, you should …

- start from initial Q values = 0

- use epsilon greedy (with decay) or exploration functions to force exploration

- implement an appropriate learning rate decay to reach an optimal policy

- stop your iteration when the solution is found (don’t compare against optimal policy

to decide when to stop)

- run your learning algorithm multiple times (don’t set a fixed seed) and output how

often the optimal policy can be found e.g., 9/10

Note that one of the optimal policies for this example can be found on slide 15 of chapter 2

(same as test case 2 of problem 3) shown below.

Note that there could be multiple optimal policies for this particular example, or for the

examples provided in the test cases. Write your findings with a short analysis as comments at

the beginning of the file p4.py.

There are no auto-graders and no test cases provided for this question. You should provide all

parameters and the problem definition itself in the file p4.py. Also, tell us how to run your


To submit your assignment to Moodle, *.zip the following files ONLY:

- p1.py

- p2.py

- p3.py

- p4.py

- parse.py

Do not zip any other files. Use the *.zip file format. Make sure that you have submitted the

correct files.

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