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日期:2024-09-12 09:38

Active Directory Server

Build Document

Prepared for:Lean Development Pty Ltd

Document Control

Document Details

<Below complete all cells marked with light blue background>

Document categoryServer build document

Template version1.0

TitleActive Directory Server Build Document

Prepared byMP Tech Solutions Ltd

Responsible System EngineerJohn Smith

Project Management ConsultantEmily Davis

ClientLean Development Pty Ltd

Change Record

<Below complete all cells marked with light blue background>

VersionChange DescriptionDateAuthor

1.0Initial Server Build documentation2024-09-09MP Tech Solutions Ltd

Related Documents

DocumentVersionWhy Referenced?Source / Location

Active Directory Server Design for Lean Development Pty Ltd1.0Design documentElectronic copy via email

1.Purpose of Document

Lean Development Pty Ltd (LD) is in the process of upgrading their network and server infrastructure. As part of this upgrade, MP Tech Solutions Ltd (MP Tech) deployed a new Active Directory server into the environment.

This document presents a record of the configuration and system settings of the server at the time of handover to LD.

2.Virtualisation Environment

Existing LD virtualisation infrastructure was used for deploying the server. This environment (performance and capacity) is able to cater for all infrastructure requirements stipulated in the design document.

3.Network environment

The server will operate on the following subnet:

<Below complete all cells marked with light blue background>

Details of the subnet the server is located on

Server subnet (CIDR notation):


4.Virtual Machine Settings

The Virtual Machine (VM) resources and settings are presented in the table below.

<Below complete all cells marked with light blue background if applicable>

Virtual Machine Details (Hypervisor settings)

General Information

Virtual Machine Name:VM-001

Operating System Type:Linux

Operating system Version:Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

System Information

Base Memory:8 GB

System Processor(s) count:4 CPUs


Controller: Name:SATA Controller

Virtual Disk Device 1 (OS disk):

Type ([storage] format):

Virtual Size:


Location:VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)

50 GB

OS installation disk


Virtual Disk Device 2 (data disk):

Type ([storage] format):

Virtual Size:


Location:VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)

100 GB

Data storage disk


Virtual Disk Device 3 (data disk):

Type ([storage] format):

Virtual Size:


Location:VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)

200 GB

Backup and archive disk


Virtual Disk Device 4 (optional data disk):

Type ([storage] format):

Virtual Size:


Location:VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)

150 GB

Log storage disk


Virtual Disk Device 5 (optional data disk):

Type ([storage] format):

Virtual Size:


Location:VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk)

250 GB

Optional disk for future use


CD/DVD drive [Yes/No]Yes


Adapter 1: Attached to:Bridged Adapter (Attached to physical network)

5.Computer Settings Settings

General settings as recorded in ‘Control Panel / System’ are presented below:

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Open Control Panel:

Press Windows Key + S and type "Control Panel" to open it.

 Navigate to System:

In the Control Panel, click on System and Security, then select System.

Alternatively, you can press Windows Key + Pause/Break to directly open the "System" window.

 Take a Screenshot:

Press PrtScn (Print Screen) to capture the screen, or use Windows Key + Shift + S to open Snipping Tool and select the area of the window.

 Insert Screenshot:

Paste it into the document by pressing Ctrl + V in the designated cell or space.

5.2.Logical Network Settings

Network and adapter and IP settings is provided using the command ‘ipconfig /all’:

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Log in to the Server:

Access W99-SERVER2-DC or the relevant server you are working on.

 Open Command Prompt:

Press Windows + R, type cmd, and press Enter.

Alternatively, search for Command Prompt in the Start menu and select Run as Administrator.

 Run the Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

ipconfig /all

 Capture the Screenshot:

Once the output is displayed, press Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen) to capture the active window, including the VM title bar.

Open Paint or Word, paste the screenshot using Ctrl + V, and save the image.

 Insert the Screenshot in Your Document:

Open your document, navigate to the light blue cell area where the screenshot needs to be placed.

Insert the image or paste it directly into the document.

5.3.Logical Storage

Listing of disks and volumes is provided using the PowerShell command set:

Hostname ; Get-Volume

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

Open PowerShell:

Press Windows Key + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) to run PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Run the Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code


This will display a list of disks and volumes on the server, showing information such as the volume label, file system, size, and health status.

Take a Screenshot:

After the command finishes displaying the information, press PrtScn (Print Screen) or use Windows Key + Shift + S to capture the screen with the output.

Insert Screenshot:

Paste the screenshot into the document by selecting the cell below the line and pressing Ctrl + V.

6.Roles and Features Installed

Listing of all roles and features installed on the server is provided using the PowerShell command set:

Hostname ; Get-WindowsFeature | where-object {$_.Installed -eq $True}

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Press Windows Key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin) to run PowerShell with administrative privileges.

 Run the Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_.Installed -eq $True}

This will display all the roles and features that are currently installed on the server.

 Take a Screenshot:

Once the command output is fully displayed, press PrtScn (Print Screen) or use Windows Key + Shift + S to capture the screen with the results.

 Insert Screenshot:

Paste the screenshot into your document by pressing Ctrl + V in the designated cell below the line.

7.Core Network Services

DNS is installed on the server and all zones are integrated with Active Directory (AD). Listing of all DNS zones is provided using the PowerShell command:  


<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Log in to the Server:

Access W99-SERVER2-DC or the relevant server where DNS is installed.

 Open PowerShell as Administrator:

Press Windows + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Alternatively, search for PowerShell in the Start menu, right-click, and select Run as Administrator.

 Run the PowerShell Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code


 Capture the Screenshot:

Once the DNS zones are displayed, press Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen) to capture the active window (including the VM title bar).

Open Paint or Word, paste the screenshot using Ctrl + V, and save the image.

 Insert the Screenshot in Your Document:

Open your document, navigate to the light blue cell area where the screenshot needs to be placed.

Insert the image or paste it directly into the document.


DHCP is installed on the server. Listing of all DHCP scopes is provided using the PowerShell command:  


<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

Open PowerShell:

Press Windows Key + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) to run PowerShell with administrative privileges.

Run the DHCP Scope Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code


This will list all the DHCP scopes configured on the server.

Take a Screenshot:

After the command displays the list of DHCP scopes, press PrtScn (Print Screen) or use Windows Key + Shift + S to take a screenshot of the output.

Insert Screenshot:

Paste the screenshot into the document by selecting the designated area and pressing Ctrl + V.

8.Active Directory

8.8.1.Forest, Domain and Site

The server acts as Domain Controller (DC) and Global Catalog server. At this stage this DC holds all Operation Master roles. Listing of the Active Directory (AD) forest, domains and sites is provided using the PowerShell command:

Get-AdForest ; netdom query fsmo

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Log in to the Server:

Access W99-SERVER2-DC or the relevant domain controller.

 Open PowerShell as Administrator:

Press Windows + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Alternatively, search for PowerShell in the Start menu, right-click, and select Run as Administrator.

 Run the PowerShell Commands:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

Get-AdForest ; netdom query fsmo

 Capture the Screenshot:

Once the output is displayed showing the forest details and FSMO roles, press Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen) to capture the active window (including the VM title bar).

Open Paint or Word, paste the screenshot using Ctrl + V, and save the image.

 Insert the Screenshot in Your Document:

Open your document, navigate to the light blue cell area where the screenshot needs to be placed.

Insert the image or paste it directly into the document.

8.2.Organizational Units

The Organizational Unit (OU) structure reflects the stipulated system administration requirements. Listing of the OUs is provided using the PowerShell command:

Get-ADObject -Filter { ObjectClass -eq 'organizationalunit' }

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Open PowerShell:

Press Windows Key + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) or Windows PowerShell (Active Directory Module) if you are managing Active Directory remotely.

 Run the OU Listing Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

Get-ADObject -Filter { ObjectClass -eq 'organizationalunit' }

This will list all the Organizational Units (OUs) in the Active Directory.

 Take a Screenshot:

Once the list of OUs is displayed, press PrtScn (Print Screen) or use Windows Key + Shift + S to capture the screen with the results.

 Insert Screenshot:

Paste the screenshot into your document by pressing Ctrl + V in the designated area below the line.

8.3.Security Groups

The group structure reflects the security requirements of the divisions/departments of the organisation.  Listing of all Global security groups in AD is provided using the PowerShell command:

Get-ADGroup -filter {GroupScope -eq "Global"} | Select Name,DistinguishedName | Sort-Object Name

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Log in to the Server:

Access W99-SERVER2-DC or the relevant server where Active Directory is configured.

 Open PowerShell as Administrator:

Press Windows + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Alternatively, search for PowerShell in the Start menu, right-click, and select Run as Administrator.

 Run the PowerShell Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

Get-ADGroup -filter {GroupScope -eq "Global"} | Select Name,DistinguishedName | Sort-Object Name

 Capture the Screenshot:

Once the output is displayed listing the global security groups, press Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen) to capture the active window (including the VM title bar).

Open Paint or Word, paste the screenshot using Ctrl + V, and save the image.

 Insert the Screenshot in Your Document:

Open your document, navigate to the light blue cell where the screenshot needs to be placed.

Insert the image or paste it directly into the document.

8.4.Groups Policy Objects

Listing of all GPO’s in AD is provided using the PowerShell command:

Get-GPO -all | Select DisplayName,Owner | Sort-Object DisplayName

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Open PowerShell:

Press Windows Key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin) or Windows PowerShell (Active Directory Module).

 Run the GPO Listing Command:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

Get-GPO -All | Select DisplayName,Owner | Sort-Object DisplayName

This will list all the Group Policy Objects (GPOs) in the Active Directory along with their display names and owners.

 Take a Screenshot:

After the command completes displaying the list, press PrtScn (Print Screen) or use Windows Key + Shift + S to capture the screen with the results.

 Insert Screenshot:

Paste the screenshot into your document by selecting the designated area below the line and pressing Ctrl + V.

9.Shared Folders

Listing of all shared folders on the server is provided using the PowerShell command:

net share

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Open PowerShell:

Press Windows Key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Run the Command to List Shared Folders:

Type the following command and press Enter:


Copy code

net share

This will list all shared folders on the server.

Take a Screenshot:

After the command displays the shared folders, press PrtScn (Print Screen) or use Windows Key + Shift + S to capture the screen.

Insert Screenshot:

Paste the screenshot into your document by selecting the designated area below the line and pressing Ctrl + V.

10.Clean up and restore worksite

Temporary and template VMs used during the server deployment were removed from the work environment.

Listing of VMs on the host on completion of the project (using PowerShell prompt):

CD "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"

Note:In the above command you must make sure that you specify the path where you have installed VirtualBox.

whoami ; get-date ; .\vboxmanage list vms

<Insert the required server screenshot the light blue cell below this line>

 Log in to the Host Server:

Access the server or workstation where VirtualBox is installed.

 Open PowerShell as Administrator:

Press Windows + X and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

Alternatively, search for PowerShell in the Start menu, right-click, and select Run as Administrator.

 Change Directory to VirtualBox Installation Folder:

If you installed VirtualBox in the default location, use this command:


Copy code

CD "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"

If you installed VirtualBox in a custom path, replace the path accordingly.

 Run the Commands to List VMs:

After navigating to the VirtualBox directory, run the following commands in sequence:


Copy code

whoami ; get-date ; .\vboxmanage list vms

 Capture the Screenshot:

Once the output is displayed showing the VMs, your username, and the date, press Alt + PrtScn (Print Screen) to capture the active window, including the VM title bar.

Open Paint or Word, paste the screenshot using Ctrl + V, and save the image.

 Insert the Screenshot in Your Document:

Open your document and navigate to the designated light blue cell where the screenshot needs to be inserted.

Paste the screenshot directly into the document.

<Below complete the parts marked light blue>

Project Acceptance Sign Off


Customer: Lean Development Pty Ltd

Project:  Active Directory Server Deployment

Final status reportSelect

Yes or No

Server design document has been produced and approvedYes

Agreed server services/applications are configured and operationalYes

Standard build documentation has been produced and approvedYes

Pre-production testing was successfully carried outYes

Work site and network environment was left in order and to the client’s satisfactionYes

The work was finished within the agreed timeframeYes

Server validationSelect

Yes or No

Server was built and configured according to the given design specifications and meets the operational requirementsYes

Project completion acceptanceSelect

Yes or No

The project has been successfully completedYes

MP Tech Solutions Ltd

…………………… / System EngineerDate:    9/ 9/ 2024

MP Tech Solutions Ltd

Lean Development Pty Ltd

…..…………..  / MP Tech - Project Management ConsultantDate:    9 / 9/ 2024

On behalf of Lean Development Pty Ltd representative

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