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日期:2024-09-19 12:58

MET AD688 Assignment 2

SQL for E-Commerce Startups

Assignment Objective: You have recently joined an e-commerce startup, "ShopSmart," which sells various products online. The company has been growing, but they are facing challenges with understanding their customers’ purchasing behaviors and optimizing their product offerings. Your task is to design a database that can store the company's data, populate it with realistic data, and then perform. a series of SQL queries to derive insights and solve business problems.

Possible Points: 8

Database Design

Products: Stores Information about products available on the platform


Primary Key






ShopSmart has enlisted the help of a few consultants in the data management field, and they’ve identified and recommended the following entities that are necessary to store the company’s data.

Customers: Stores information about customers


Primary Key






Orders: Stores information about customer orders


Primary Key


Foreign Key



OrderItems: Stores information about the items within each order


Primary Key


Foreign Key


Foreign Key



Reviews: Stores customer reviews for products


Primary Key


Foreign Key


Foreign Key


Rating (Note: this is on a scale of 1 - 5



You’ve been provided with the following .csv files, each containing critical data that ShopSmart has collected:






Task 2-0: Managerial Report Structure

Submission Requirements: You are required to submit a managerial report, along with your SQL file used for this assignment.

Your paper should be structured and presented in the form. of a managerial report, APA format. This report should include:

· Cover Page

· Table of Contents

· Executive Summary

· Main Body (3 - 6 pages, APA format)

· Appendices

o Visualizations

o Screenshots of code and output

(max 0.5 point)

Task 2-1: Database design and development

1. You are required to review the data provided by the consultants for accuracy and create a design of this database (i.e. create an ERM). To be included in your design are cardinalities, relationships between entities, identification of primary and foreign keys and for each attribute, identify its datatype. In your managerial report, provide a description of the ERM you’ve created.

2. Using SQL, Create and populate each table with the data provided in the excel files. HINT: You should create a database in SQLite first, then proceed to create the tables.

(max 1.5 point)

Task 2-2: Basic SQL Queries

ShopSmart would like to gain insights into the current operations of the business. For each of the following questions, write the SQL query to retrieve the required data. In your managerial report, discuss your findings.

1. Retrieve a list of all customers who signed up in the last 30 days.

2. List all products that are currently out of stock.

3. Find the total number of orders placed in the last month.

4. Display all orders made by a specific customer of your choice.

5. Show the top 5 products by the number of orders.

6. Retrieve all reviews for a specific product.

7. List all customers who have not made any purchases in the last 6 months.

8. Show the total revenue generated from orders in the last year.

9. Find the average rating of products in each category.

10. Retrieve all orders with a status of "Pending."

(max 2 points)

Task 2-3: Intermediate SQL Queries

ShopSmart’s Leadership team are very impressed with the work you’ve done so far and would like to dig deeper into their data for decision-making purposes. For each of the following questions, write the SQL query to retrieve the required data. In your managerial report, discuss your findings.

1. Identify customers who have spent more than $500 on the platform.

2. Calculate the average order value for each customer.

3. Find products that have been added in the last 90 days but have not been sold.

4. Generate a report of products with low stock (less than 10 items in stock).

5. List customers who have given a rating of 5 to any product.

6. Identify customers who have ordered more than 3 different products in a single order.

7. Find the top 3 categories with the highest sales volume.

8. Display all customers who have purchased from a specific category.

9. Calculate the total spend by each customer since their signup.

10. Identify orders that include items from multiple categories.

(max 2 points)

Task 2-4: Advanced SQL queries

“The work our new hire has done is outstanding! However, everything has seemed so effortless—let’s set a real challenge to determine the true extent of this talent.” - ShopSmart’s CEO

For each of the following questions, write the SQL query to retrieve the required data. Provide a short analysis for each advanced query, explaining the insights gained and how they could be used by the e-commerce company.

1. Analyze the purchasing behavior. of customers by grouping them into segments based on their total spend and average order value.

2. Identify patterns in the reviews to find products that receive consistently high or low ratings.

3. Create a list of customers who have stopped purchasing (no orders in the last 6 months) and have given low ratings in their last reviews.

(max 2 points)

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