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日期:2024-08-09 05:22

GEOG 5 - People and Earth's Ecosystems

Course Information

This class examines people’s impacts on the environment over local, regional, and global scales.  In particular, we will examine people, people’s historic and contemporary impacts on climate, landscapes, the ocean, endangered species and habitats in Los Angeles, California, and the World. This course requires a significant amount of independent work and time management.

Course Learning Objectives

1. Students will develop their ability to describe data, figures, and graphs in both quantitative and qualitative terms. They will develop their writing skills and practice putting together a scientific argument.

2. Students will identify and interpret trends and patterns over time and space, thus gaining a better understanding of how humans and the natural environment affect each other.

3. Students will be able to discuss the science behind important environmental issues such as global warming, and they will be able to evaluate strategies for addressing these issues.

Course Delivery Method

There are no live classroom lectures for this course, and there is no textbook. This is an online and asynchronous course. Course content in the form. of videos and readings will be available to students online, released each Monday.

The online format of this course permits students to learn and review course content in a flexible manner. Students are expected to complete weekly quizzes and assignments.

Technical  Requirements

· You will need to be able to join Zoom meetings with your video on. You will need a good internet connection for this.

· You will need to use a browser as your primary method of accessing this course. All content for this course can be accessed with any computer or laptop with internet access.

· You will need to be able to create, edit, and submit assignments as either a Microsoft word document (.doc) or as a PDF (.pdf). Apple pages (.pages) and Google documents are not accepted on Canvas.

Course Policies

The online course format requires a significant amount of independent work and time management. Students have the flexibility to complete each week’s course activities at any time during the week, but it is strongly recommended that you block out a period of time on your calendar each week to dedicate to this course. It is your responsibility to complete assignments on time, to learn new methods when necessary, and seek out and share information as needed to complete the course successfully. You are expected to stay engaged and informed about the course, to try to problem-solve on your own, and to ask for help when you need it.

Student Responsibilities

· Read the entire syllabus and understand course requirements

· Watch video lectures and read posted material (released every Monday)

· Attend office hours (Wednesday or Thursday)

· Complete weekly quiz (closes at 11:59 PM every Friday)

· Submit weekly lab assignment (closes at 11:59 PM every Sunday)

Course Resources & learning how to learn (online and independently)

Course content takes a variety of forms and formats such as readings, online content, screencasts, and online videos. You are encouraged to take advantage of these and other resources in order to get the most out of this course This may mean watching a video multiple times or finding an alternative resource through an internet search. Please share any resources you find valuable with others on the Discussion Forum.

Respect Your Classmates

Discrimination—verbal, nonverbal, or physical—based on a person’s race, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.

Zero Plagiarism Tolerance

Any instances of plagiarism will result in a grade of zero on the assignment with no opportunities for making up those points. Further, the student will be reported to the Dean of Students. It is your responsibility to know what constitutes as plagiarism under UCLA policies.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of another person’s work (including words, ideas, designs, or data) without giving appropriate attribution or citation. This includes, but is not limited to, representing, with or without the intent to deceive, part or all of an entire work obtained by purchase or otherwise, as the student’s original work; the omission of or failure to acknowledge the true source of the work; or representing an altered but identifiable work of another person or the student’s own previous work as if it were the student’s original or new work. — UCLA Student Conduct Code, Section 102.01c: Academic Dishonesty–Plagiarism

Grade Calculation

To underscore the belief that learning is a continuous process and learning how to learn is just as important as subject matter expertise, there is no midterm exam and no final exam. The regular cadence of weekly quizzes and complementary course assignments and activities are designed to reinforce knowledge at a steady pace and permit a more measured approach to evaluating student performance.

Late Submissions: Any work – quizzes or assignments – that is submitted late will receive a score of zero and will not be evaluated.

If you would like to calculate your grade, use Canvas' What-If Grades feature. What are What-If Grades? (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-are-What-If-Grades/ta-p/25)

Weekly Quiz on material from videos and reading (30% )

Each quiz is worth 5% of your final grade.

Students are required to complete a weekly quiz that covers the assigned reading and videos for the week. Students can only take the weekly quiz ONCE. You are permitted to use the textbook and your notes when taking the quiz. All quizzes must be completed individually; working in groups is NOT permitted. You are NOT permitted to post any answers to the quiz on any of the forums. Any instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Students.

You must attempt the quiz before the 11:59 pm Friday deadline. Failure to attempt the quiz before the deadline will result in a score of zero. No exceptions and no excuses. Because of the amount of time and the flexibility you have to take the quiz, last minute technical problems are not  valid excuses. I strongly recommend taking the quiz before Friday night.

Weekly Lab Assignments (60 %)

Each lab assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.

Each week students are required to complete a lab assignment that is related to the week’s material. Lab assignments are due on Sundays at  11:59 PM. Each student must complete their own lab assignment; group work is not allowed. The format of these lab assignments will vary, but they typically consist of a lab report around 800 words (not including tables and figures). Expect for these lab assignments to take up the majority of your time spent on this class. They are graded to very high standards.

Office Hour Attend ance ( 1 0 % )

You will need to attend office hours (online or in person) at least three out of six weeks. If you cannot make any of the office hour periods, email me to set up an alternative time. On Zoom, you need to have your video on. I will call on you by name to let you know I have your attendance recorded.

If you attend all six weeks, you will get 2% bonus points on your final grade.

Letter Grade Scheme

A+ 100% to 97%

A 96.99% to 93%

A- 92.99% to 90%

B+ 89.99% to 87%

B 86.99% to 83%

B- 82.99% to 80%

C+ 79.99% to 77%

C 76.99% to 73%

C- 72.99% to 70%

D+ 69.99% to 67%

D 66.99% to 60%

F 59.99% to 0%

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