SESS0026 Political Economy of European Integration 2023/24
Summative Assessment Questions
1. Competition Policy. When the Single Market programme was launched, European leaders believed that it would improve the competitiveness of European firms, thus facilitating the emergence of industrial champions. Explain the logic behind this assertion and assess its empirical validity. What are the factors that maybe hindering EU firms’ competitiveness?
• This question refers to Lecture 5 (although not exclusively) and requires some research.
• It asks you to clarify the mechanisms whereby the SM was expected to provide a fertile environment for firms to grow and compete globally. In doing so, you must employ the appropriate theoretical framework(s).
• You should then assess whether the model’s prescriptions have realised. You can look at one sector, one firm, or several ones, to develop your case. External resources are needed here.
• Finally, you need to examine the limitations of these predictions. In this part, you should think widely and critically about the factors and circumstances that have reduced the SM
competitive gains, by referring to other topics studied in this course.
2. Capital mobility. One of the Four Freedoms established by the Single European Market – and
advanced at later stages - is capital mobility. Examine the pros and cons that free cross-country capital flows have brought about in the EU and assess the current state of art based on your analysis of both the theory and EU policies.
• This question refers to Lecture 4 and 8, but not exclusively.
• It requires you to define the rationale and policies that have favoured capital mobility, and to employ the appropriate theoretical framework(s) to analyse its political economy implications in the EU.
• You can adopt a historical perspective or use key events to elaborate on the benefits and shortfalls of capital market integration in the EU.
• Finally, you should draw on the latest EU institutional developments – thus, referring to other topics studied in this course - to gauge whether they are effective in limiting the potential damage of capital mobility.
3. Eurocrisis. The sovereign debt crisis spread only within the Eurozone. Explain why and then describe how European institutions have evolved to protect the euro.
• This question relates to Lecture 6 and 8, but not exclusively.
• Your answer must show understanding of the EMU’soriginalsin(s) – which led to external imbalances and a sovereign debt crisis. You can – but need not to - critically compare the experiences of EMU and non-EMU members of the EU to develop your argument.
• Finally, you should draw on the latest EU institutional developments - thus, referring to other topics studied in this course - to gauge whether they are effective in protecting the single currency from future shocks.
4. EU Fiscal Policy: Develop the case for (or against) a fiscal union.
• This question is mainly, but not only, based on Lecture 7.
• Your answer should problematise fiscal policymaking in the context of European integration, with its pros and cons, to develop an informed opinion on the best way forward in the management of public finances.
• You can analyse the evolution of this policy area, in light of past challenges and opportunities for change. In doing so, you can touch on other policy areas and draw examples from different countries.
• Building on existing scholarship to form. your view is crucial.
• Your conclusions need to be bold as well as mindful of their own limits.
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