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日期:2024-08-09 12:50

FIT1047 Introduction to computer systems, networks and security – S2 2024

Assignment 1 – Numbers, Encodings and Boolean Logic


Number representations and Boolean circuits are at the core of all computer systems and programs. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of number systems, character encodings and that you can construct and simplify

Boolean formulas and circuits.

The assignment relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 1 and 2.

Your task

Part 1a: Submit your reflections. See details below.

Part 1b: Complete the individual tasks as detailed in the instructions below.

You need to submit a document that details your workings, as well as Logisim files for the resulting circuits.

Part 2: Complete the in-class test. In-person attendance required. See Moodle and announcements for more details.


15% of your total marks for the unit. See below for how marks and grades are determined.

Word Limit

No overall word limit (see instructions for word limits of individual tasks)

Due Date

Part 1a and 1b: 11:55 PM Friday 9 August 2024

Part 2: During your officially allocated applied class in Week 4 (12-16 August 2024)


   Via Moodle Assignment Submission.

●    DRAFT submission is not assessed. Re-check your submission in Moodle.

●    Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions. Ignore

Turnitin warning or error messages for zip files or other non-document files.

●    DRAFT upload confirmation email from Turnitin is not a submission. You must click the submit button to accept terms and conditions in Moodle.

●    Do not use GDrive/OneDrive/etc. shared links for submission. Please

export the document(s) as a PDF and then upload it in Moodle for grading.

●    This is an individual assignment (group work is not permitted).

●    Handwritten work is not accepted (including digital work). All   handwritten work will not be marked or be given any feedback.

●    Logisim circuits will be assessed using version 3.8.0 or 3.7.2 (link is in Moodle).

●    In this assessment, you must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.

Assessment Criteria

Marks are awarded for the correctness of the calculations, the explanations of how the tasks were solved, and the documentation of test cases where required. The    instructions contain an individual marks breakdown for these components.

Late Penalties

●    5% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week

●    Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided.



See Moodle Assessment page


Feedback will be provided on student work via:

●    general cohort performance

●    specific student feedback ten working days post submission


This assignment has three parts. Make sure you read the instructions carefully.

For Part 1a, collect your reflections from each week’s Ed Lesson and create a single PDF document. You can simply copy/paste your reflections, but please add headings for each week. Submit the PDF through the Moodle Assignment activity.

For Part 1b, you need to submit two files through the Moodle Assignment activity:

1)    A PDF document with the answers to the questions and your workings.

2)    A separate .zip archive with the Logisim files(.circ) along with your individualised assignment

specification. To achieve non-zero marks Logisim files (.circ) must be submitted.

3)   Ignore Turnitin warning or error messages for zip files or other non-document files!

You may see the following error message from Turnitin. But you only need to make sure the .zip contains the correct files (2 Logisim files and your individualised truth table, in pdf format) . You can ignore this error message!

Part2 is an in-class test during your allocated Applied Class in Week 4. Instructions will be available in Moodle and communicated via an announcement post.

Part 1a: Reflection (Hurdle - you MUST submit it in order to pass this assignment!)

Complete your reflection activities in Week 1 to Week 3 Ed Lesson and copy/paste them into a pdf file. Each week the reflection must have at least 100 words (relevant and meaningful to the specific week).

Failure to submit all relevant  week’s reflections (missing all submissions  or

incomplete submissions) will result in your assignment 1 having a maximum mark of

49% only. For example, if the overall combined mark is 61/100, it will be scaled to 49/100. If the overall combined mark is 44/100 then it will remain as 44/100.

You may use the template provided in Moodle to write down your reflection.

Part 1b: Boolean Algebra (30 marks total - 50% of your assignment

1, or 7.5% of your marks in the entire unit)

Follow the link on Moodle to access your personalised truth table for this task.

Important: Your truth table is different from the one other students are working on. Only download the file while you are correctly logged into Moodle with your own student account.

The truth table you download describes a Boolean function with four input values X1,X2,X3,X4 and two output values Z1,Z2.

The main result of this part will be a logical circuit correctly implementing this Boolean function in the Logisim simulator.

Each task below needs to be documented and explained.

Task 1.1: Boolean Algebra Expressions (10 marks)

Write the Boolean function as Boolean algebra terms using the Sum of Product (SOP) form. First, think about how to deal with the two outputs. Then, describe each single row in terms  of Boolean algebra. Finally, combine the terms for single rows into larger terms.

Briefly explain these steps for your particular truth table (e.g., explain for one particular row   how you come up with the Boolean terms for that row, and then explain how you combine all rows). This explanation should be no more than a few sentences.

Also write the Boolean function as Boolean algebra terms using the Product of Sum (POS) form. with brief explanation of steps (e.g. how you combine all rows).

Correctness of the result: 7 marks (marks will be deducted for individual errors)

Explanation: 3 marks

Notation: Use the following symbols and notation for writing Boolean algebra expressions.    Variables are upper-case (e.g., X1, Z2). Boolean AND is written without a symbol, e.g.X1X2 .  Boolean OR is written with the + symbol, e.g. X1  +  X2 . Negation is written using an overline, e.g. X1 . Important: when writing terms like NOT X1 AND NOT X2, there must be a clear

gap in the overlines, e.g. X1 X2 . Tip: you can use the equation function in Word or Google Docs to create overlines.

Task 1.2: Logical circuit in Logisim (10 marks)

Model the resulting Boolean terms (using SOP form) from Task 2.1 in a single Logisim     circuit, using only the basic gates AND, OR, NOT. You can use gates with more than two inputs. See the template on the last page for how to structure your circuit.

Briefly explain your construction (as for Step 1, a short explanation is enough).

Test your circuit using values from the truth table and document at least 3 test cases. You can take screenshots or your Logisim window to document the tests.

Correctness of the circuit: 5 marks (marks will be deducted for individual errors including incorrect/missing labels)

Explanation: 2 marks

Test cases: 1 mark per documented test case

Task 1.3: Optimised circuit (10 marks)

The goal of this task is to find a minimal circuit using only AND, OR, and NOT gates. Based on the truth table and Boolean algebra terms from Step 1, optimise the function using Karnaugh maps.

You will need to create two Karnaugh maps, one for each output. Your documentation must show

1)  the maps,

2)  the groups found in the maps

3)  the reduced Boolean functions derived from the maps and how the maps relate to terms in the optimised Boolean functions.

Then use Logisim to create a minimal circuit, using only AND, OR, and NOT gates.  Test your optimised circuit using values from the truth table and document your tests.

Correctness of Karnaugh maps: 4 marks (2 for each map, marks will be deducted for individual errors)

Documentation ofgroups and reduced Boolean functions: 4 marks

Logisim circuit and documentation: 2 marks (marks will be deducted for individual errors including incorrect/missing labels)

Part 2: In-class test in Week 4 (50% of your assignment 1, or 7.5% of your marks in the entire unit)

This test will assess your knowledge of number systems (binary, decimal, hexadecimal, octal), character encodings (ASCII) and Boolean logic gates. A sample quiz (not assessed) will be given to you on your Week 3 applied session.


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