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日期:2024-11-29 05:42

EFIM10014: Quantitative Analysis in Management


Assignment format

The Group Project Presentation is one video consisting of:

1. 10 – 11 minutes (50% of EFIMM0144)

Assignment deadlines

Group Project Presentation deadline is Tuesday, 10th Dec at 1pm

Mode of submission

The link to the video should be submitted to the submission points with the EFIMM0144 Contribution Statement for the video.

This assessment is assessing the following unit learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of quantitative analysis in generating value from data.

2. Apply basic statistical techniques to business and management problems.

3. Use a variety of visual models to represent statistical results in the presentation

4. Use Excel for data analysis and explain in the presentation


Kheirat is a company that sells skincare products all over Asia. The company has designated geographic sales territories, each the responsibility of a single sales representative who services a number of retail outlets within their territory. The company wants to find out which factors influence the quantity of sold units and the impact each factor has on sales. For this, a random sample of 100 sales territories of the firm’s sales organisation was drawn. Information was collected on the number of units of the product sold, along with values for seven possible predictor variables, in each territory.

Sales of the skincare products (in units sold) were hypothesised to be a function of the following variables:

1. Promotion expenditures are the related costs that incurred from advertising and promotional activities (Promotion expenditures; in $);.

2. The duration for which the territory's sales representative has been working with the company (Representative tenure in month).

3. The percentage of the territory’s market potential that the company has captured (Market penetration rate in %)

4. The total sales volume of products in the same category within the territory (Territory sales).

5. The number of retails stores the sales representative is responsible for in the territory (Number of stores covered).

6. The average rating given by customers in the territory (Customer satisfaction score).

7. The number of interactions between the sales representative and top management (Executive interactions).

The Excel spreadsheet “QAM CW DATASET 2024.xlsx” contains data for the 100 sample sales territories.

Requirement and Format:

You are tasked to conduct the data analysis to provide the CEO with insights about what drives or predicts sales. For this, you should write a summary of your findings and make recommendations for the company, in management/nontechnical terms, so the CEO knows what to focus the company’s attention on.

The CFO has also announced their interest in your findings because they are hoping for a mathematical model to predict future sales. Unlike the CEO, the CFO is a bit of a statistics whizz and will critically examine your analysis and assumptions.

Start with the summary of the findings and recommendations arising from your analysis. This is aimed at the CEO, so it has to go first, as they won’t read the rest of the report. The summary and recommendations to the CEO should constitute the main part of the presentation first use easy understanding language.

The second part of the report, which could be the technical appendix, should demonstrate and explain all the steps you have taken in your analysis, the obtained model of what drives sales, and which assumptions you have made and tested. Remember this needs to be statistically accurate, as the CFO will examine it critically and might recommend scrapping your results to the CEO if they do not trust your procedure. This part presentation must include tables and graphs with some relevant explanation.

The project presentation should include the following sections:

Overall summary of the presentation report.

Report to the CEO part, including the findings and recommendation.

Report to the CFO part, including the method used to evaluate the impact of variables in the prediction sales analysis, model validation or assumption test.

You will be assessed on:

• The correctness of your models and statistical analysis

• The correctness and details in your interpretations of ALL the output

• The clarity of the interpretation of your analysis for management’s (CEO)


• The structure and presentation style. of the report

• Recommendations arising from the analysis and suggestions for future work

• Conducting any relevant extended analysis beyond the basic brief (especially

if based on your own independent reading with relevant sources)

EFIM10014 Marking Criteria

Distinction (100-70)

Merit (69 - 60)

Pass (59 -50)

Pass (49 -40)

Fail (39 -0)


Clarity and Engagement: The pitch is exceptionally clear, concise, and engaging.
Structure and Organization: The presentation is well-structured and logically organized, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Content and Relevance: Content is highly relevant, insightful, and demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic.
Delivery and Confidence: The presenters demonstrate high confidence,  and strong vocal delivery.

Clarity and Engagement: The pitch is clear and engaging, capturing the audience's attention for most of the presentation.
Structure and Organization: The presentation is well-structured with a logical flow. The introduction, body, and conclusion are clear.
Content and Relevance: Content is relevant and demonstrates a good understanding of the topic.
Delivery and Confidence: The presenters show confidence.

Clarity and Engagement: The pitch is generally clear and engaging, capturing the audience's attention for most parts.
Structure and Organization: The presentation has a clear structure, but some parts may lack logical flow or coherence.
Content and Relevance: Content is mostly relevant and shows a reasonable understanding of the topic. It generally aligns with the presentation objectives.
Delivery and Confidence: The presenters exhibit some confidence and adequate body language. Vocal delivery is satisfactory, with some eye contact and audience interaction.

Clarity and Engagement: The pitch lacks clarity.
Structure and Organization: The presentation structure is present but lacks coherence, with some parts poorly organized.
Content and Relevance: Content is somewhat relevant but may miss key points or lack depth. It only partially aligns with the presentation objectives.
Delivery and Confidence: The presenters show limited confidence.

Clarity and Engagement: The pitch is unclear.
Structure and Organization: The presentation lacks a clear structure and is poorly organized.
Content and Relevance: Content is irrelevant, superficial, or demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic.
Delivery and Confidence: The presenters lack confidence.

Knowledge and Understanding

The student shows excellent understanding of the requirements of the assignment.                                 Recommendations made to the CEO are relevant and useful.
Recommendations for future research are also made.                           Student has shown extended analysis based on their own independent reading or has included information beyond the basic analysis (maybe even included relevant info from other weeks of QAM).

The student shows very good understanding of the requirements of the assignment. Relevant recommendations based on the findings are made to the CEO but might be rather basic.

The student shows good understanding of the requirements of the assignment.                                    Some recommendations are made to the CEO, but the student have made some confusing or irrelevant statements, or recommendations made are too basic.

The student shows a satisfactory understanding of the requirements of the assignment.  The recommendations made to the CEO are too brief or confusing.

The student shows poor understanding of the requirements of the assignment. They fail to demonstrate awareness of the proper analysis to predict what impacts sales.  Because the analysis is incorrect, the student fails to make proper recommendations to the CEO, or there is no attempt to make recommendations.

Analysis and Approach

The obtained/chosen model is statistically correct.
Student has shown and explained all steps involved in the analysis correctly.
Model validity is demonstrated fully and correctly.
All output is correctly interpreted.

The obtained/chosen model is statistically correct.
The student has shown and explained the steps involved in the analysis correctly but might have missed a minor explanation of one of the steps in the analysis.
Model validity is demonstrated fully and correctly.
The report might include some minor incomplete output interpretations.

The student might have missed an important step that affects the final model built, but a reasonable statistical analysis is demonstrated.
The final model has been validated but one of the assumptions might not be correct.
The output has been interpreted but there might be some other relevant interpretations missing.

They have run some analysis to find out what impacts sales, but they might not have conducted all relevant steps.
The student might not have conducted all the proper assumption testing.
Some output has been interpreted but other relevant interpretations and output are missing.

There is overall very little/inadequate statistical analysis and what is present is either incorrect or very confusing.
No interpretation or incorrect interpretation of output exists.

Organazaion and Strucutre

There is a clear division between the section for the CEO and that for the CFO.         The student differentiates between what explanation (and output interpretation) goes into the CEO report and what goes into the technical appendix for the CFO.               Good/correct writing style. of management and technical report with due regard to target audience for each part.

There is a clear division between the section for the CEO and that for the CFO.  The student attempts to differentiate between what explanation (and output interpretation) goes into the CEO report and what goes into the technical appendix for the CFO, but the presentation style/language used for the CEO might include a few technical terms.

There is a clear division between the section for the CEO and that for the CFO.          The language used for the CEO and CFO is almost the same (student has barely distinguished between the two audiences).

The report might not follow the recommended structure: CEO report followed by a technical appendix/section for the CFO and thus student has not distinguished between the two audiences.

The report is not follow the recommended structure: CEO report followed by a technical appendix/section for the CFO and thus student has not distinguished between the two audiences.

Ues of Source

References are included IF the student presents information outside the lecture material on Blackboard.

References are included IF the student presents information outside the lecture material on Blackboard.

References are included IF the student presents information outside the lecture material on Blackboard.

References are included IF the student presents information outside the lecture material on Blackboard.

References are included IF the student presents information outside the lecture material on Blackboard.

Style. and Presentation

The presentation is well-structured and includes appropriate sections.
Writing in PowerPoint is presented to a high standard and presentation of tables/graphs is neat and correct.

The presentation is well-structured and includes appropriate sections.
Writing in PowerPoint is presented to a high standard and presentation of tables/graphs is neat and correct

The essay might not be very well-structured. However, there is clear presentation of tables and figures.     Writing in PowerPoint is presented to a good standard and tables/grpahs are not in correct order.

The writing may lack fluency and contain errors in understanding and misinterpretation of concepts.
There is not a neat and clear presentation of tables and figures.

The report does not follow the recommended structure and has a weak or no discernible structure.
The writing in PowerPoint is poor which disrupts the understanding of the assignment.

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