Applied Stats and Data Analysis
Practice Midterm 2
Question 1. Consider the linear model
Y = Xβ + ε ,
where Y is an-by-1 vector of response variables, X is ann-by-p design matrix, β is a p-by-1 vector of coefficients, ε is a multivariate normal Nn (0,σ2In ). Denote by b the least-squares estimate of β .
(a) Write down the formula for the least-squares estimate for the regression vector b in terms of matrices X, Y. You don’t need to derive it.
(b) What is the distribution of b? Specify the corresponding mean and vari- ance covariance matrix. You don’t need to derive it.
(c) Write down normal equations in the matrix form. You don’t need to de- rive them.
(d) Write SSE , SSR, SSTo in the matrix form, using matrices Y , H, J. Specify degrees of freedom for each sum of squares. You don’t need to derive anything here.
(e) What are the conditions on matrix X such that XTX is invertible? You don’t need to prove anything here.
(f) Compute the covariance matrix Cov(b, Y(ˆ)). Show your steps and sim-plify. Your answer should be expressed in terms of X and σ 2 only. What are the dimensions of the matrix Cov(b, Y(ˆ))?
Question 2. Consider the following plots of data points in the XY plane, where X is the predictor variable and Y is the response variable. Points in the parallelogram (slanted box) represent evenly distributed data points. The ‘o’ represent unusual observations.
(i) For each of the plots (A), (B), (C) and (D) describe whether the unusual observation/s is an ‘outlier with respect to X ’, or an ‘outlier with respect to Y ’, or an ‘outlier with respect to X and Y ’, or none of the above.
(ii) Internally studentized residuals (ISR), externally studentized residuals (ESR), and leverage are common diagnostic tools to idenify unusual observations. Which of the three tools are more likely to identify unusual observation in each of the four cases (A), (B), (C) and (D). List best two diagnostic tools for each case.
Question 3. Suppose Yi follows the model
Yi = β1Xi1 + β2Xi2 + εi
where εi is independent, identically distributed and normal with mean zero and variance σ 2 . There is NO INTERCEPT TERM. The graph below shows the individual 95% CI for β1 (horizontal axis) and the 95% CI for β2 (vertical axis), and the 95% confidence region for the overall model fit F-test (the ellipse). Locations A, B and C are possible locations where the origin (0, 0) could be located.
(a) For each of the points A, B, C state whether
● β1 is significant OR nonsignificant,
● β2 is significant OR nonsignificant,
● overall model fit is significant OR nonsignificant.
You need to write three statements for each point A, B and C!
(b) What should be the conditions on predictors X1 and X2 such that case B is much more common than case A. Briefly explain.
Question 4. Suppose we wish to understand how blood pressure, Y , in a certain population depends on the patient age and patient asthma status (asthmatic or nonasthmatic). Let X1 be a patient’s age in years, and X2 the asthma status. Note that X2 is a qualitative variable, and X2 is 1 if the patient is asthmatic and X2 is 0 if the patient is nonasthmatic. Consider the second-order interaction model
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X1(2) + β4X1X2 + β5X1(2)X2 + ε
where, again, ε is a normally distributed random variable with mean 0 and constant variance σ 2 .
(a) Compute the blood pressure for non-asthmatics in terms of X1 , the age in years, and some or all of the coefficients β0 ,β1 ,β2 ,β3 ,β4 and β5 . Your answer to this part should NOT have any numbers in it–it should be entirely in terms of X1 and the coefficients βi.
(b) Suppose we are given the following regression output (note: x1 : x2 de-
notes the product term X1X2 ; similarly (x1 )2 : x2 stands for X1(2)X2 ):
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4.5094 42.2371 0.107 0.9155
x_1 6.3940 5.7774 1.107 0.2752
x_2 -50.8539 56.2080 -0.905 0.3712
x_1^2 0.1318 0.1687 0.781 0.4394
x_1:x_2 17.0645 7.1011 2.403 0.0211
(x_1)^2:x_2 -0.5025 0.1992 -2.522 0.0158
Residual standard error: 71 . 69 on 39 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0 .7682,Adjusted R-squared: 0 .7385 F-statistic: 25.85 on 5 and 39 DF, p-value: 0 . 0000
How many data points there? How many parameters are in the model? I.e., find n and p.
(c) Based on this output, state hypotheses and conduct a level α = 0.05 test of whether or not the interaction term between asthma and the square of age is associated with the response. Find the t* and the p-value. Deter- mine your conclusion based on this data.
(d) Based on this output, find the interval where the blood pressure in a 35- year-old asthmatic would be with 95% probability.
(e) Based on the R output, can you conclude that the only appropriate model for the data is
Y = β4X1X2 + β5X1(2)X2 + ε ?
Explain why yes, or why no.
(f) Do you think there is evidence of multicollinearity in the provided out- put? Briefly explain why yes or why no.
Question 5. Consider the following data seton the calories (Ci ) and sodium level (Si ) of several types (Ti ) of sausages. The categorical (or qualitative) variable type (Ti ) can take on three values: “chicken”, “beef” or “pork” . First six rows of the dataset is as follows. There are n observations in total.
type, Ti |
calories Ci |
sodium Si |
pork |
172 |
496 |
chicken |
87 |
359 |
chicken |
143 |
581 |
chicken |
132 |
375 |
pork |
190 |
545 |
pork |
173 |
458 |
Consider the following regression output.
g1 <- lm(calories ~ sodium, sausage)
g2 <- lm(calories ~ sodium + factor(type), sausage)
#factor(type) is the way R treats qualitative (or categorical) variables
summary(g1)$r . squared
## [1] 0 . 218
summary(g2)$r . squared ## [1] 0 .793
Model g1 is obtained by fitting the linear model
g1: Ci = β0 + β1 Si + εi
to the data.
Model g2 is obtained by fitting the linear model
g2: Ci = β0 + β1 Si + β2Xi2 + β3Xi3 + εi
to the data.
From the above output, answer the following questions.
(a) Explicitly define Xi2 and Xi3 . Hint: dummy coding.
(b) Write down the first six rows of the two design matrices X for models g1 and g2 based on the provided data table.
(c) The above plot displays the calories count against the sodium predictor variable for the model g1. The square, triangle, and circle points corre- spond to sausages of type “chicken”, “beef”, and “pork”, respectively. Explain why based only on this plot we can suggest that model g2 should be preferred over model g1?
(d) Explain why this plot also suggests that the following model
Ci = β0 + β1 Si + β2Xi2 + β3Xi3 + β4Xi2Si + β5Xi3Si + εi
is unnecessarily complicated for this dataset.
(e) Consider model g2. Assuming independent normal errors and constant variances, write down the null and alternative hypotheses that the type of sausage is not associated with calories, in the presence of other vari- ables in the model g2.
(f) Continuing part (e). Write down the exact form of the test statistic and specify the distribution of this test statistic under the null hypothesis of no association between type of sausage and calories (in the presence of other variables). Note that the test statistic can be computed from the quantities given above. Your final answer will depend only on n. Hint: General Linear Test and R2 = 1 − SSE/SSTO.
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