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日期:2024-11-21 05:25

ENEM101 Solar Assignment -

Techno-economic analysis of off-grid FPV (floating PV) plant to achieve UKs 70GW target by 2035

AHEP4 learning outcomes assessed:

M3  &  M3-FL:  Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model complex problems, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed

Submission format: Electronic, via ELE

Feedback will be written feedback for each individual submission, within three weeks of submission. This assignment is worth 20% of the overall module mark.

Assignment guidance

•    You should produce atechno-economic analysis for FPV plant at various locations in the UK.

•    The word limit can vary between 3000-3500 words.

•    The energy system you choose can consist of any first-generation or second-generation, mono or bifacial PV.

•    This plant can bestand-alone (no need to worry about DNO permission)

•    The report should provide a clear estimation of the radiation, energy generation, and system yield

evaluations in monthly values, along with the suitable PV design, the levelised cost of the energy, and energy payback.

Assignment details


o you should describe the site/facility under study, justify the choice of technology/technologies for your solar-based system based on technical evaluation of a range of parameters (site, resources, demand, CO2  reduction etc), comment on how their sizing was determined and how they work together (or why others were ruled out if it consists of only one technology); estimate capital and running costs for your proposed system; assess potential environmental impacts; conclude on the viability of your proposed system

•    STRUCTURE: there is no prescribed structure for the report but you should ensure a logical flow of information. However, you can follow

o Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy Reviews

o Energy Reports | Journal | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier

Any Elsevier journal format

•    PAGE LIMIT: There is no page limit. However, your report should be within 3000-3500 words maximum (±10% word limit).

•    FONT: font for the main body of the report should have font size 11 and. Fonts for headings can be slightly larger

•    LINE SPACING: no less than 1.15 line spacing for the main body of the report

•    TABLES AND FIGURES: you are encouraged to use tables and figures where appropriate. Make sure you label them properly and refer to them in the text. Figure should have 300 dpi.

•    REFERENCES: Reference should be similar to Solar Energy - Journal - Elsevier(strict criteria)

•    SUBMISSION: The submission of this coursework should be via ele. The deadline for submission is midday (12:00) 13th December 2024.



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