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日期:2024-11-19 12:40


Assignment 3

Important Notes:

 This is an individual assignment.

 I will be checking for borrowed or copied assignments. All work is to be done from scratch, you may not use any templates or other assistance. Do not reuse your  old assignments.

 This assessment is out of 20 marks total.


In this assignment you must write server-side validations and do server-side processing using only Express web application framework. All the validations and form processing must be on the server-side only. No marks will be awarded for client-side validations or client-side processing of the form.


In this assignment, you are to develop a web application for an online store. The type of store that you design, and its products and inventory is left to your discretion.

1.  HTML Static Content - Web Form. served using Express. (3 marks)

 The front end must collect all the information needed to make a sale to  the customer. I have included a few in the description which are mandatory and must be included in your form.

 At least 3 products should be available for purchase. Customer can select any product. The application’s business logic must handle the products correctly.

2. JavaScript. – Server-side form. validations and server-side form. processing:

 All JavaScript. code must be located on the server-side. (1  mark)

 The following user inputs must be validated:

•  Mandatory fields (2 Marks):

•  Name

•  Address

•  City

•  Province

•  Fields with specific format (2 marks):

•  Phone number validation. eg: 5198201234

•  Email validation.  eg: [email protected]

 If any errors exist, display a unique message for each erroneous input. Do not use a JavaScript. popup box for this purpose. (1 mark)

 Generate a receipt to give to the customer, including all the information entered by the user and the products bought. Use only server-side scripting for this. Do not use any client-side code for processing the form. (2 marks)

 Calculate and include sales tax for each province/territory in Canada. (1 mark)

 Make sure that the receipt is generated only if the customer has bought products worth $10 or more. Otherwise give an error to the customer and tell them that the minimum purchase should be $10. (1 mark)

3. Video demo explaining your code and showing the final execution of the assignment. Make sure to showcase all the form validations mentioned above properly and then submit the form. to generate the receipt. For the video demo, you are not required to use your camera, but you can if you want. You are only required to record your screen and your voice explaining the solution. Please submit .mp4 files only. You can use Zoom/PowerPoint for doing that, but you can use any other software for recording the video too. (5 marks)

4. Programming Style, Standards, and overall completion of the tasks. (2 marks)

It is a good idea to practice conforming to a set of programming standards. Refer to the posted summary of the IT Standards posted in IT Programs > General Resources.

You can choose the design,fonts, and colors as per your preference if you fulfill the minimum requirements mentioned above. You can name your online shop as per your liking and the product names too.


To submit this assignment:

1.   Once you are finished, you are to submit 2 files, separately.

2.   Place all your code into a single folder. Zip this folder and submit the .zip file (.RAR or any other compression type is not  accepted) and .TXT file of your assignment separately toeConestoga portal.

3.   Follow the steps to create a .zip file:

a.   Mouse right-click on your assignment folder (directory).

b.  Click on “Compressed (zipped) folder” menu item.

c.   New .zip file will be created. Rename the file according to requirements.

d.  Upload the .zip file toeConestoga portal.

4.  You must copy and paste all your source code from your assignment files into a separate plaintext file.

a.  You can copy and paste the source code into Notepad.

b.   DO NOT add it inside your zip file - it must be a separate file.

5.  This is used for TurnItIn (it won't examine the contents of zip files). You don't have to format this code - it's used by TurnItIn (the originality checker, which is a piece of software that checks your submission for plagiarism against other submissions in the college, in other colleges, from the web, and various other sources).

6.  Upload the video explanation separately from your code zip file. Please do not zip your video with the code. You may have to make a second submission for that as the dropbox only allows you to submit one file at a time. Submit .mp4 files only for the video.


•   If these submission instructions are not followed, Grade 0 will be granted.

•   If TXT files are not provided, Grade 0 will be granted.

•   You can submit multiple times if you want.

•   Please mention in comments which submission to evaluate.

•   Also  note  that  if you  submit  after the due date, late penalties apply as per your classroom policies.

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