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CAES1000 Core University English

Writing Task 3 Report – Topic and Question

Task 3: Writing a Well-structured and Well-argued Report (Assessed – Writing 35%; Annotations 5%)

This task aims to provide an opportunity for you to apply the academic writing skills learnt in the course. These skills include: (i) expressing a clearly argued and critical stance and (ii) using the ideas from quality sources to support your stance through citation and referencing.

Submission Deadline:

4 December 2024 (Wednesday 5:00 pm)

(Upload your work to Turnitin

on the Central Course Moodle)

Submission Guidelines:

•     When  you  prepare  for the  assignment, you  should read  the Policy on Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, and GenAI use on the Central Course Moodle (click here). You may also refer to GenAI Module Unit 1on the Avoiding Plagiarism Moodle (Part II).

•     You must submit a soft copy to Turnitin on the Central Course Moodle by 5:00 pm on the due date of the assignment. Submission on Turnitin by the deadline will be treated as the final version. The annotations should be shown properly on Turnitin and the uploaded file. Your teacher may require a hard copy of your submission. Please check with your class teacher.

•     You should leave enough time for plagiarism check and all kinds of technical problems or human errors (if any). Technical problems or human errors leading to any submission issues (e.g., late submission, unreadable text, wrong submission, or non-submission) cannot be used as a  reason  for  penalty exemption.  Any  file  (e.g.,  wrong  submission,  unreadable  text,  or incomplete submission) submitted by the deadline will be treated as the final version. It is your responsibility to check your submission very carefully.

•     You must NOT submit screenshots or image files of your writing. Penalty will be applied to these formats.

•     You can resubmit multiple times before the deadline for plagiarism check. After the deadline, you are only allowed to submit ONCE. If you cannot submit your file, you need to contact your class teacher as soon as possible on the due date.

•     Following  CAES rules, assignments which are handed in up to four days late without any medical certificate/legitimate reason will have one full letter grade deducted each day (e.g., a B- becomes a C- after one day late). If the assignment is submitted four days after the deadline without a medical certificate/a legitimate reason, it will be treated as a non-submission (N = 0 mark). It is up to the programme coordinator to decide whether such students should be given feedback on this assignment.

•     Students  who  do not  submit an assignment at all or miss an assessment without a medical certificate should be given an N (= 0 mark).

•     If students  are sick and unable to hand in an assignment, they must contact their teacher immediately before, NOT after, the deadline. Extension request AFTER the deadline shall NOT be entertained. No work after the deadline will be accepted without a legitimate reason.

•     You are given sufficient time to complete this assignment. Please manage your time well and check your submission file very carefully.


1. You should write 1000-1200 words for this assignment (including all in-text citations). Anything beyond 1200 words will not be read. Write the number of words for your report at the end of the text. This does not include the words in the reference list and the words in annotations.

2. You should cite and reference the reading texts given to you (4 in total) in your report. You must also use TWO quality sources of your own choice to support your stance. One subgrade in C2 will be deducted if you do NOT use two quality sources of your own choice. Your reference list should include a maximum of 6 entries only. All extra or additional entries will be ignored.

3. You are NOT supposed to cite/quote any non-English materials in this assignment. CAES1000 is an English language course. Only English materials should be used.

4. Include a reference list at the end of your writing which conforms to the CUE APA Citation and Referencing Style. Guide (7th  ed.) (click here to download the guide; also available on the Central Course Moodle, under the ‘Writing Assessments’ section). Whenever you have any doubts about citation and referencing, this style. guide should serve as your first and major reference point.

5. Complete the Turnitin Independent Learning Task (a video on how to check for plagiarism) on the Central Course Moodle using the report you have just written. Analyse the Turnitin report and keep doing the task (e.g., effective paraphrasing and proper citation) until the document is plagiarism-free.

6. You should not solely rely on GenAI tools. You should critically evaluate the GenAI output, develop your ideas, and use your own words to express them. You should keep a proper record of your reading materials, notes, drafts and so on so that you have evidence to show how you arrive at the final submission.

7. Once the text is plagiarism-free, write 8-12 annotations on your text using ‘insert comments . These annotations should highlight where you have applied your learning from this course. Each annotation must relate to a different feature of academic writing. You have to provide clear and enough details concerning what skills you have applied and the reasons for doing so in each annotation. Any one-word answers or very short phrases will not be sufficient.

8. Upload your work to Turnitin on the Central Course Moodle before the deadline. Teachers will only mark the submission on Turnitin by the deadline. All other channels or forms of submission

(e.g., email submission / submission to an online drive) to your class teacher will not be accepted and will be treated as a non-submission (N = 0 mark).

Assessment Criteria:

You will be assessed on the quality of your report which is worth 35% of your final grade. The assessment criteria are on the Central Course Moodle, under the ‘Writing Assessments’ section.

You will also be assessed on the quality of your annotations. You must tell us in your annotations WHAT academic writing skills you have applied and WHY you have applied them. The skills may include the use of citation and referencing, cohesive devices, corpus for vocabulary, Generative AI, etc. This will be worth 5% of your final grade. The assessment criteria for annotations are as follows:


Expectations of student performance

Satisfactory (5%)

The majority of your annotations show a good understanding of the academic writing skills being practised in the course. You have provided clear and enough details for each annotation.



You will be given an unsatisfactory grade if one or more of the following is true:

Only a few or none of your annotations show a good understanding of the academic writing skills being practised in the course.

You have made fewer than 8 annotations.

Your  annotations do not relate to different features of academic writing.

Most of your annotations are unclear and without enough details.

You have copied your annotations from another student.



You did not annotate your Task 3 Report.

Below is an example of a paragraph / section with annotations:

Topic: Digital Marginalization of Older Adults



As digitalization continues to gain prominence in society, older adults who possess limited digital competence or encounter barriers to accessing digital technologies may face marginalization. Write an academic report in which you:

1) critically evaluate the problems brought by digital marginalization to older adults,


2) propose and justify recommendations for promoting digital inclusion among older adults.

You are reminded to express a clearly argued and critical stance in your report. In your response, you need to demonstrate your critical judgment through evaluating the degree of seriousness of the problems and the effectiveness of your recommendations.


[1] The four reading texts provided have been adapted for assessment purposes. Their information has been substantially modified. Students should not refer to the original texts and make any comparisons. Information about the four provided texts (e.g., authors name and year of publication) has also been modified for assessment purposes. Please simply use and cite the provided texts as presented here.

[2]   The terms ‘digital marginalization’ and ‘digital exclusion’ are sometimes used interchangeably in academic sources. You can search for  sources   related to digital marginalization and/or digital exclusion of older adults.

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