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Task Sheet

Writing Coursework (II) - Written Report

Comprises 25% of your final course grade

Due date: midnight Sunday 17 Nov 2024

Your final writing coursework due for this course is a Written Report of 900 – 1,100 words, which will use all the writing and language skills taught throughout the semester.

For more details about grading, see the Marking Scheme at the end of this document.

Your report scenario

You are an External Consultant in charge of a project which aims to help a university/college department to improve their website homepage design (Webpage A). You need to research existing webpages of similar organizations and choose one that would seem to fit the department’s needs (Webpage B). Compare and evaluate the features of both webpages using criteria that you have identified and defined. Also, you will need to interview at least one individual for additional information. According to your evaluation and the responses you received from your interviewee(s), you will make recommendations to the department  regarding how to improve the department's homepage design. You are required to submit a written report to the department. Details of the report areas follows:

Report Sections

Word Limit Range


Not counted

1. Introduction

50-100 words

2. Methodology

250-300 words

3. Findings & Discussion

Evaluation of two webpages based on your chosen criteria

Your interviewee’s views about the webpages chosen

Screenshots of the webpages to support your evaluation

4.  Conclusion & Recommendations

400-450 words

200-250 words

You will also include:

5. References (in APA style)

This includes the 2 webpages understudy.

You should include at least 1 academic journal article (in English). You should NOT use sources such as

Wikipedia, internet forums or blogs.

6. An Appendix with your interview questions

Not counted

TOTAL WORD COUNT:   900 1,100 words

(Note: Reports that fall outside the required length range will incura 5% penalty.)

Suggested Stages of the Research and Writing

Stage of research

To be completed by the end of:

Identify your university/college department and webpage (Webpage A).

Choose your webpage criteria, define and justify them.

Look for at least one relevant academic journal article (in English) to be

used in the report. You should NOT use sources such as Wikipedia, internet forums or blog.

Choose your other university/college department webpage for comparison (Webpage B).

Analyze/evaluate and compare the two webpages.

Week 9

Decide which type(s) of people will be interviewed.

Write questions for interview(s) and conduct the interview(s). Important notes:

Keep accurate notes about date(s) and people interviewed you will need the dates for the Methodology section.

The interview(s) should be conducted in English.

Each interview should last at least 5 minutes.

The interview(s) should be audio-recorded.

This is to help you select appropriate quotes or paraphrases.

The audio recordings must be submitted along with your final report.

Week 10

Draft the different sections of the report.

Proofread the report draft.

Important notes:

Synthesize your evaluation with your interviewee’sopinions.

Cite at least one journal article in the section(s) you think appropriate.

Prepare relevant screenshots of the webpages to support your evaluation.

Cite all sources used accurately in APA style.

Not more than 15% of your final report should comprise quotes.

Include the interview questions in the Appendix.

Week 11

At the end of your report, include the following information about your Word Count:

WORD COUNT Sections 1-4 [Number] words

Excluding quotes, citations

& captions -- [Number] words

NET WORD COUNT                  = [Number] words

Submit your report through Turnitin on Moodle see the instructions below.

Submit your interview audio recording through Moodle.

Complete the Declaration of Academic Integrity form and upload it to Moodle.

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