Department of Electrical Engineering
EE E4321. Problem Set #8. Memory design. PLAs.
Due: November 26, 2024, 5 PM EST by electronic submission
Please carefully follow these instructions. Please submit your solutions to Problem 1 below as a single PDF file attachment through Courseworks.
For Design Project Part III, please submit your writeup as a single PDF file attachment submitted by only one person of your two-person team. Please note clearly in the document the name of the two team members in your group.
To submit the layout, please stream out your design according to the instruc- tions on the class website and attached to your submission as well.
1. (This problem should be completed individually.) In this problem, I want you to consider the implementation of a controller using PLAs. We will take advantage of the tool espresso to optimize our logic.
Consider a controller defined by the following VHDL description:
architecture rtl of controller is
subtype state_type is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
constant s0: state_type := "0001";
constant s1: state_type := "0010";
constant s2: state_type := "0100";
constant s3: state_type := "1000";
signal state, next_state: state_type;
signal con1, con2, con3: std_ulogic;
signal out1, out2: std_ulogic;
signal clk;
state_logic: process(state, con1, con2, con3) is
out1 <= ’0’;
out2 <= ’0’;
case state is
when s0 =>
out1 <= ’0’;
out2 <= ’0’;
next_state <= s1;
when s1 =>
out1 <= ’1’;
if con1 = ’1’ then
next_state <= s2;
next_state <= s1;
end if;
when s2 =>
out2 <= ’1’;
next_state <= s3;
when s3 =>
if con2 = ’0’ then
next_state <= s3;
elsif con3 = ’0’ then
out1 <= ’0’;
next_state <= s2;
next_state <= s1;
end if;
end case;
end process state_logic;
state_register: process (clk) is
if (clk = ’1’ and not(clk’stable)) then
state <= next_state;
end if;
end process state_register;
end architecture rtl;
Implement this finite-state machine as a PLA and a (four-bit) flip-flop. Present your results as (hand-drawn) schematics. Don’t worry about sizing
Signal |
Direction |
Description |
phi1 |
input |
phase 1 clock |
phi2 |
input |
phase 2 clock |
mem_read |
input |
enable the memory for read |
mem_write |
input |
enable the memory for write |
iobus<0:7> |
bidi |
data bus |
addr<0:2> |
input |
address |
or simulating your design. To design the PLA, use espresso for two-level logic optimization. You can assess the espresso man pages on the input file format by typing:
man -s 5 espresso
Additional documentation on espresso can also be found on the main espresso man pages:
man espresso
The next problem is part of your final design project; you should work on this part of the problem set with your design-project partner.
Design Project Part III. You need to design the memory for your final design project. Your memory stores 8 8-bit (one-byte) words and has the following interface to the rest of your core:
Please precharge your memory with phi2 and qualify both the wordline and the write with the phi1 clock. Use the mem_read signal to tristate the read driver. Only one level of decoding should be necessary (no predecoder). You are free to use the SRAM layout found in the cell sram_cell in the library arrayLib in /courses/ee4321/arrayLib.
To complete your memory design, I expect:
● Sized schematics
● Layout of your memory design (remember to begin by making a tiling diagram and then stick layouts of your cells)
● Spectre results for the read and write delays of your SRAM. Verify that reads do not disturb the contents of the cells and that you will always be able to write your cell.
● Use Spectre FX to verify functionality for a larger number of patterns.
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