LAWS1100-Business Law
1.General Course Information
1.1 Course Details Course
Course Title: Business Law
Coordinating Unit:School of Law
Semester:Semester 1,2023
Course Description: This course is an introductory level examination of thelaw regulating business in Australiatoday for accountants,business managers and other non-egal professionals.The course seeks to develop students'knowledge of the Australian legal system and of the laws associated with starting,managing,financing and closing a business,as well s their ability to solve simple legal problems
Assumed Background:
LAWS1100 Business Law is an introductory level law course.No prior study of law is required or assumed.
1.2 Course Introduction
LAWS1100 Business Law provides an introduction to the legal rules regulating business in Australia today.Throughout the Course,students wil explore how touse thoselega rules to solve simple,everyday,legal problems.TheCourse has been changed to become more practical and relevant to not only yourunderstanding of Business Law,but also to your everyday life.It is important to understand how thelawmay impact upon you,your caree,those around youand evenyour decision-making.Accordingly you willearn about the Austalian legal system,thelaw of torts,the law of contract,consumer protection law(the ACL),intellectual propertylaw and business structures.Your final grade willbe based upon your level of understandingof and participation inthe Course,determined by reference to your marks for amid-semester exam,5 tutorial submissions,a20%1LAC problem scenario question(comprised of a 15%and 5%exercise)and a final exam based on ILAC problem questions.
Course Changes in Response to Previous StudentFeedback
1.)The Tutorial program has been changed in order to further advance each students'ability to solvelegal problems and tobetter prepare students forthe Final Examination.
2.)The 15%Problem SetScenario(LAC question)has been introduced in order to help students to develop theirability to answer legal problems using theILAC method,prior to the Final Examination
3.)The 5%Answer Analysis Exercise has been introduced in order to develop more complexhigherorder thinking skill such as being able to critically analyse and then evaluate a model legal response
4.)Theformating and contentof the MidSemester Exam has been changed in order to better assess student comprehension of the first two weeks of the Course.
5.)NOTE:In Semester 1,202,minor changes were madeto the weighting of assessment,due to the University requirementof having 50%invigilated assessment.
2.1 Course Aims
Theaim of LAWS1100is to give you a broad knowledge and understanding of Australian Business Lawin order to be able to recognise,resolve and avoid legal problems inyour business and commercialdealings.
2.2 Learning Objectives
After successfully completingthis course youshould be abe to:
1 Identify, understand and locate relevant legal information in the field of Australian Business Law.
2 Recognise and identify şituations which potentially give rise to legal issues or problems in a Business Law context.
3 Apply legal rules and principles (such as rules to do with contract, tort and consumer lawi to assess vour lenal position in relation to tvpical business and commercial dealings.
4 Plan and produce comprehensive answers, based upon your analysis of a legal problem, by using the ILAC technique.
5 Evaluate your legal, social and professional responsibilities to your peers, your profession and your community.
3.Learning Resources
3.1 Required Resources
James,Nickolas and Thomas,Timothy Business Law(Wiley,6th edition,2022).
Material prescribed via the course Blackboard website.
3.2 Recommended Resources
No recommended learning resources
3.3 University Learning Resources
Access to required and recommended resources,plus past central exam papers,is available at the UQ Library website ( (
The University offers arange of resources and services to support student learning.Details areavalable on the myUQ website (ttps:/
3.4 School of Law Learning Resources Law School Citation Style
Students preparingassignments,research papers,disertations andtheses arerequired o folow the AustralianGuide to LegalCitation (4th edition)
For a short summary of thecomplete Australian Guideto Legal Citation,see theUQ Library's ReferencingGuide totheAGLC
Law Library
TheLaw Librarys Legal Research Guide(htp:// at htp://
guide (http// provides linksto a wide range of Austalian and International sitesrelevant to the study of law.
Students should referto the UQLibrary (http// generlly for information relating to facities,collections and services available- (
Course Learn.UQ(Blackboard)Website
Course Learn.UQ(Blackboard)(https// websitescontain course announcements,the courseprofle,the learning guide (where applicable);lecture slides and discussion boards.Studentsshould visitheir course Learn.UQ(Blackboard)websites regularyto check for course announcementsandto read and contributeto any online activities.
Course Cordinators will maintain and regularly update course Learn.UQ(Blackboard)websites,which can be accessed viathefllowing link-
https:/ . It is yourresponsibility to ensure that you have access to the websites.Access to Learn.UQ
(Blackboard)is automaticllygenerated for those students enrold through mySI-net approximately 1 week prior to the course commencing.If you do not have access by thattime pleasecontact the AskUs Library Help [email protected](maito:[email protected]) .
The University of Queensland Library fferscomputing help and training fre to UQ students-htps//
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