ICT & Engineering Research Methodology PG (12090)
ICT and Engineering Research Methods (9826)
Assignment 1: Review & Critique of Research Paper & Methodology
(Weighting: 20%)
The purpose of this assignment is to identify a research topic (through research questions) drawing from your interest, literature survey (from 1-2 papers) and from a critique of the research reported on its methodology, outcomes and an identification of any gaps in the research probing further work. The literature review and critique will have to be on a journal article or conference paper from a quality publication. This exercise should familiarize yourselves with steps in designing good quality research from conception of research ideas to an understanding of what is required in the process of research from what to why to how and an evaluation of outcomes and its publication and dissemination to the relevant scholarly community.
Journals articles and conference papers are generally available online through the UC library catalogue and Google Scholar. You may use any of the papers uploaded on the unit site as samples or choose any paper of particular interest to you in the ICT/Information Sciences/Engineering fields (including sample theses) accessible online through the links provided.
Your critique of the research strategy must answer the following questions in the context of your chosen research topic. You must support your answers with evidence from the selected journal article/conference paper and relevant supporting literature.
Problem: |
Identify your research topic through a title and 3-5 research questions. Select a research paper motivating your topic/question. What is the research problem addressed by the paper/article? |
Title/Abstract |
Is the title appropriate and does it reflect the contents of the paper? Does the abstract summarise the work appropriately? |
Theories: |
What theory/theories/framework/ model or development methodology have been used in the research project? How have theory/theories/framework, model or development methodology been used to guide the research in the paper? e.g. theory is being tested, theory is being developed, etc.? |
Methods: |
What research design has been adopted in the paper? What methods have the researcher(s) adopted to conduct the research project? Has the researcher(s) clearly explained and justified the chosen design and methods? Do you think that the researcher(s) has selected appropriate design and methods to their problem? Do you think the research in the paper is relevant to other researchers and/or practitioners e.g. IS, ICT, IT or Software Engineering professionals? How so? |
Contribution: |
What is the contribution of the study (e.g. to theory (knowledge) or practice)? How so? |
Quality: |
Has research quality been discussed? Explain. Are there any gaps or deficiencies in the paper/thesis? |
Ethics |
Are any ethical issues raised in the research strategy? What are they? Have they been addressed or resolved by the researcher(s)? How so? |
Academic Writing Guidance:
Some guidance on academic writing can be obtained from this link:
Submission Requirements:
You should keep your submission to about 1000 words (+-100 words)
Submission Instructions:
1. The assignment should be organised using the following guidelines:
§ The cover sheet must identify the student (name and number) and assignment.
§ Reference sources must be cited in the text and listed appropriately at the end in IEEE referencing style.
§ The assignment must use 12-point font size minimum and at single line spacing
§ Appropriate section headings are needed as per the assignment marking scheme.
2. The assignment must be submitted via the Canvas Submission Link.
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