NBS-7041X Business Leadership and Change Management
Summative Assignment CW 001 – individual
Change Management Project: creating a change intervention
The project will include: (1) critical analysis of the case study organisation (Netflix) using suitable diagnostic tools and concepts, (2) secondary research using published business leadership material, and (3) synthesis of an implementable change intervention using a range of organisational change management concepts and tools.
“Make recommendations for the development of the case study organisation Netflix. (1) Identify what might be changed and why, (2) define goals in measurable terms, and (3) construct a change intervention which describes how the desired change might be implemented”.
Requirement checklist:
You are to present your work under these six headings: 1. Diagnosis, 2. Problem identification, 3. Direction setting, 4. Objectives, 5. Options evaluation and implementation plan, and 6. Reference list.
Items 1 and 2 (here) should contain material from your Formatives #1 and #2 (McKinsey 7-S and Leadership).
You will prepare and submit a six-page PowerPoint slide set, using the six headings (above) which meets the task requirements for assessment. Your student number must be included.
The task is to present your change management intervention concisely and persuasively.
Each PowerPoint slide from item one to item five (above) will be in the form. of an infographic, communicating clearly, concisely, and attractively.
Each of the five infographic slides must contain 200 words, and be accompanied by 300 words of narrative, in the ‘notes’ field, total 2500 words.
You will need to reference data gathered on the case study organization (Netflix), from relevant published academic material and other suitable sources such as Harvard Business School publications.
Five academic references are required, on slide six, plus references to other sources.
Please be creative with design and format; the material is likely to contain suitable diagrams, illustrations, and designs.
The word count is an assessment criterion. Make sure the content is readable.
Submission: Individuals will submit the six-slide pack by uploading on to Blackboard, in PowerPoint or .pdf format by Monday 22nd July 2024.
Your finished work is NOT to be published.
Assessment Criteria: Individual Change Management Project
The six-slide set will be assessed on:
Structure and content; including diagnosis, clear objectives (problem statement), and persuasive conclusions and recommendations (solutions and actions) (20%)
Research and data collection; using diagnostic tools to identify findings from data on the case organisation, the academic research and professional literature, and other suitable sources regarding the Netflix business environment (secondary data collection) (25%)
Clear explanation of the findings, and understanding of the issues (15%)
Critical analysis and application of theory (20%)
Presentation of the six-slide set; design, clarity, and conciseness (10%)
Each of the five infographic slides must contain 200 words, and be accompanied by 300 words of narrative, in the ‘notes’ field, total 2500 words. Referencing in Harvard style, minimum five academic sources (10%)
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