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日期:2024-06-29 06:34

M06: Create a Campaign Artifact Assignment

You will create an artifact (i.e. a poster, handout, Instagram ad, billboard, etc) of a hypothetical campaign on a specific topic in which you have personal interest with the intent on changing a specific behavior.  I would suggest thinking about the specific target audience, messages, channels, public policies, and possible theoretical frameworks we have discussed in this class when planning your artifact. For example,  communication practitioners:

1. Partition a target audience into segments with different sets of knowledge, attitudes, and skills and thus different orientations toward a specific behavior.  For instance, a campaign might segment adults into those who are not considering recycling, those who are considering, and those who are already recycling.

2. Develop a message to persuade a specific target audience to enact or not enact a specific behavior.  For example, a social norms message might try to discourage binge drinking among college students.

3. Disseminate a message through a channel.  Examples of channels include television and interpersonal networks.

4. Rely on a public policy that supports the desired behavior.  For example, the U.S. tax code imposes a fine on adults who withdraw money from an individual retirement account or IRA prematurely.

After you have created your artifact include a small discussion regarding your thought process as to how and why you made the choices you did and what implications you think this would have if this were a real campaign. Also include how you would measure the campaigns success after the campaign were completed if it were real.

An example of an excellent Artifact Submission from a previous semester can be found here

You will be graded on the following:

§ How well did your artifact appeal to the intended audience. For example: if the intended audience were millennials, was it presented in a medium they use such as Instagram or Snapchat.

§ How persuasive was the message and did it use any theoretical framework such as Stages of Change, Theory of Reasoned Action, Diffusion of Innovations, etc.

§ Summarize/conclude by discussing why you made the choices you did when creating your artifact and what implications you hope they would have on changing your audiences’ behaviors and discuss how you would measure the success of your campaign based off this artifact and/or other factors if it were real

§ Artifact is well organized and easy to understand. It is clear and fluid, and creative

Review the rubric below to learn how your artifact will be graded.

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