DECO 1400 Web Design and Implementation Assessments
Website Design
Design Report (30%): 19 April 2024, 4:00pm
Your task is to design an interactive website and document the design process from its conception to testing stage.
The website can be on any topic you are interested in.
The design report should be 10-page maximum, with font 12 (paper size A4). This does not
include the title page and references. The number of web pages you design should be 4-8 pages. Please feel free to use an Appendix if you need extra space.
Submit your report through Blackboard by the due date. Include the following sections in your report:
o Introduction (what is your website about, who is the target audience, why you came up with the idea) - creating user personas is optional.
o Site Map
o Low fidelity (paper sketches) - creating wireframes is optional.
o High fidelity prototype of your website (using a design tool introduced in Week 4 Lecture Slides)
o Design decisions you have made based on Nielsen’s usability heuristics.
o Conclusion (summary of your report and deliveries, challenges you faced and future work)
o List of references (if you have any)
Marking rubric is included in Appendix A.
Samples from previous years can be found on Blackboard (Assessments page). Please note the
page limit was 8 pages in previous years. We extended it to 10 pages following student feedback.
Please note this is an individual assessment and must be your own, original work. If you are using any content from the Internet, make sure you include the reference in your report.
Plagiarism is considered a serious offence at UQ. Failure to declare the distinction between your work and the work of others will result in academic misconduct proceedings. Generative AI can be used to “enhance” your writing and if used, its use must be acknowledged.
Both IEEE and APA styles are acceptable as long as it's consistent:
Website Implementation
Website Source Code & Poster (50%): 24 May 2024, 1:00pm
Website Presentation (10%): Week 13, during your practical session.
Demo: Week 11, demo of the website draft/work in progress during your usual practical session
Website Implementation & Poster (50%)
You should use HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to implement your website (4-8 web pages). The website should be responsive, and work on tablet and mobile devices as well.
The topics you can choose from: your favourite holiday destination, muffin recipes, cars,
photography, portfolio. Alternatively, you may choose a topic of your own. Feel free to discuss the topic with your teaching team or myself, if you are unsure. The sky is the limit! :-)
You may continue working on the same topic you chose for the Web Design assessment or pick a new topic, if you are not able to build on your design ideas or have new ideas. Please feel free to discuss your topic with the teaching team.
Your website files & folders should follow the structure below:
o index.html
o Your homepage file should always be named index.html, stored at the root.
o [...].html
o Include all other HTML files for your website o css
o style.css
Your main CSS file should be named style.css.
o Where possible & to improve portability of your website files, ensure any CSS files you've used with JavaScript plugins are downloaded locally and placed in this
folder (if you're using any plugins).
o images
o All images should be contained in this folder. o js
o script.js
Your main JavaScript. file should be named script.js.
o Where possible & to improve portability of your website files, ensure any
JavaScript. files you've used with JavaScript plugins are downloaded locally and placed in this folder (if you're using any plugins). Also, download a copy of jQuery JavaScript. file and place it in this folder as well (if you're using jQuery for this
o files
o All other files (e.g. Poster, document containing your Reference list, README) should be contained in this folder.
Zip the folder, name it (e.g. and submit it on Blackboard by 24 May.
You are not allowed to use a website builder for this project. Use of 3rd party frameworks such as
Bootstrap, React etc. is allowed but discouraged.
There are no requirements for back-end development in this course. You are welcome to try it out, if you wish, but that's optional and only for those students who have prior experience.
Please also prepare an A1 sized poster outlining a brief overview of your website and the
potential audience, your low and high-fidelity design prototypes, screenshots of the website, what lessons you learnt along the way (reflection) and and future work (extra features that can be
added, enhancements that can be made and/or things you would have done differently, if you had more time).
The poster should be submitted on Blackboard by 24 May. No need to print the poster.
These links might be useful, if you are not sure how to design a poster template:
In-class Website Presentation (10%) - Week 13:
You will have maximum of 5 minutes to present your website to your demonstrators during your usual practical session in Week 13. That includes presenting your poster + live/recorded demo of the website. Please do not go over time.
Work in progress must be demoed to teaching staff during Week 11. Your website does not need to be completed by Week 11. You might not have responsive design implemented yet or
some pages might still be work in progress, but you need to demonstrate progress towards completion.
The teaching team will monitor students' progress and ask questions to ensure that students are completing their own work. If the student cannot answer the questions or does not demo their
draft website and/or do not show satisfactory progress, they will not be able to pass this assessment.
As this is an Identity verified assessment, you must have your student ID on you.
Marking rubric is available in Appendix B.
Passing the course
In order to pass the course as a whole, students must pass the Website
Implementation assessment, with a final grade of at least a Pass (4). Failure to meet this
requirement will result in the final grade being capped at Fail (3), regardless of performance in other assessment items. Please refer to the Course Profile for more information.
Please note this is an individual assessment and it must be your own, original work. If you
are using any content from the Internet, or course content, make sure you include the reference
in the comment section of your code. Alternatively, a reference list can be submitted as a .doc file
with the source code. Plagiarism is considered a serious offence at UQ. Failure to declare the distinction between your work and the work of others will result in academic misconduct proceedings.
You may include any work you produced for Practical sessions (and acknowledge the source),
however you must not use another student's work or copy and paste from the Internet, without referencing it. Check with your teaching team, if you need further clarification or post your questions on Ed Discussion forum.
If you require extension, you should apply via my.UQ. For this assignment, a maximum
extension period is 7 days (see section 5.3 of the ECP). You can find more information about how to apply for an extension, as well as valid reasons for extension in this page: Applying for an assessment extension.
Late Submission
Assessment items received after the deadline will be subject to a late penalty of one grade per 24 hours if graded on a scale of 1-7. More than 7 periods of 24 hours, 100% penalty will be applied. When submitting your assessment items through Blackboard, please allow plenty of time for the submission to be uploaded as many students will be attempting the same task at the same time.
Be sure to allow enough time for uploading of assessment files. It is your responsibility to check that submissions have been uploaded correctly and ensure that you have received a digital receipt.
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