Semester 2 2024
Course assessment weight 25%
(Total Marks: 100)
1. You are required to submit your assignment in Turnitin using the Case Study Submission Link on Blackboard. Turnitin also performs a similarity check for potential plagiarism. 2. Submission deadline is 1.00 pm (AEST), Oct 11, 2024. Submissions made beyond this deadline will be penalised for a late submission. Please see the Electronic Course Profile (late submission of assessment – Section 5.3) for the details on the late penalty. |
As a starting point, please carefully read “Rudy Wong, Investment Advisor” (see URL on Blackboard under “Assessment”) and please make sure you also read other publications from academic journals, news articles/working papers that will strengthen your assignment. Use this case as a background to carefully develop your answers to the two questions listed below:
1. How and to what extent can investment advisors/portfolio managers attempt to add value? How should Rudy Wong advise Bob Miller and the Kleins? Discuss with the lens of “behavioural finance” . [50 marks]
2. How confident should Rudy Wong be as to the advice he provides to clients? Given the poor performance in the previous year (as of the time of the case), how do you think Wong should best approach such situations? [50 marks]
To better understand what is expected, please carefully refer to the assessment rubric, the marking guide to be followed by your examiner, posted on Blackboard.
The length of your submission should be a maximum of5 pages of text (excluding a list of references, or figures and tables that may be placed after references), using 1.5-line spacing, 12 font-size ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Normal’ margins, justified paragraphs and page numbering in the bottom right-hand side. Please insert your full name (family name entered last) and your eight-digit student number as a header on every page of your submission (see the sample header of this document). As a rule of thumb, using shorterparagraphs or sentences improves readability. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. An introduction and conclusion are needed in your answer to Questions 1 and 2 but not for the overall submission (see the assessment rubric posted on Blackboard under Assessment). Please make sure we can clearly follow where one section ends and the other begins, i.e. use Question number and sub-headings to guide the reader.
Those who do not adhere to the above format will lose marks.
Further helpful guidelines for scoring marks on your assignment
• In some cases, there could be more than one answer acceptable to the examiners. However, it is your responsibility to clearly defend your answers coherently in your written submission. That is, merely stating ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, or providing vague comments are not acceptable answers to any of the questions. It is the quality of your reasoning and analysis that matters the most.
• There are some sources that might help your understanding regarding this case, and thereby improve your answers. You are asked to cite at least four (4) relevant sources. For example, you may refer to academic journals, working papers from various sources including Bank for International Settlement (, Federal Reserve System (, European Central Bank (, World Bank (, International Monetary Fund (, or articles published in outlets such as the “Bloomberg” (, the “Wall Street Journal” (, the “Australian Financial Review” (, the “Financial Times”(, or other similarly reputable sources you may encounter.
• Please be aware that plagiarism, defined as copying and pasting someone else’s words into your assignment without proper acknowledgment, is unacceptable at UQ. When you report someone else’s comments or ideas, you need to fully and clearly acknowledge the source, i.e. list it under “References” that starts on a new page at the end of the main text using the Harvard Referencing Style. It is also good practice to paraphrase other authors’ words, which would indicate your level of understanding, instead of making long direct quotations. Nevertheless, a few short direct quotations may be used to emphasise what you consider to be important points in your answers. Submissions will be checked for plagiarism using Turnitin (the extensive checking process involves the World Wide Web as well as previously and currently submitted assignments, journals, and various other publications).
This assessment task evaluates students’ abilities, skills, and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
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