RE System Modelling and Analysis
Assignment 3: PV System Performance Analysis
Due Date: Week 10, Sunday, 11 pm
Assignment Brief:
You have been hired as a consultant to assess the performance of the PV system located on the roof of the TETB building at UNSW. You have been asked specifically to assess and report on the performance of the PV arrays connected to Inverters 3, 7 and 11 for September 2016 to August 2017.
The complete PV array is a combination of 11 inverters and 41 strings of various tilts and orientations. For this assignment your primary focus is on assessing the PV arrays connected to Inverters 3, 7 and 11, but you will need to use the data from the other 8 inverters to complete the assessment.
Learning Outcomes:
Coursework Related Outcomes:
• Apply appropriate data cleaning and data visualisation techniques to manage, query, explore and communicate information from large weather and energy datasets.
• Use analysis and modelling techniques to evaluate renewable energy systems’ performance and express performance in terms of the standard derived parameters.
• Use statistical methods and modelling techniques to evaluate and understand system losses, degradation and diagnose system faults.
• Use data analysis and modelling techniques to understand, describe, interrogate, and challenge assumptions in RE modelling.
Generic Skills:
• Handling large datasets
• Familiarisation with PV performance metrics like the PR, WCPR and PI
• Familiarisation with PV modelling software
Datasets and System Specifications:
For the assessment, the following data sources are at your disposal.
• Specifications, technical drawings and aerial images of the TETB PV array
• The 5-minute inverter data (Sep 2016 – Aug 2017) for the entire PV system located on the roof of the TETB building - Excel file titled “Assignment 3 – TETB Dataset.xlsx” or the CSV file titled “Assignment 3 – TETB Dataset.csv” .
• A supplementary weather file - CSV file titled “Assignment 3 – Supplementary Weather file.csv”
Additional Notes:
1. The “Assignment 3 – TETB Summary.xlsx” and the “Summary” worksheet of the “Assignment 3 – TETB Dataset.xlsx” Excel workbook contains a summary of the TETB system detailing:
• The orientation of all arrays, 9° East of North and 189° East of North
• The tilt of each array
• The module count and type for each string.
• The number of strings connected to each inverter
• The Inverter Model Number (all inverters are SMA Manufactured)
2. The module temperature for the TETB PV array is measured on one of the modules connected to Inverter 11.
3. The supplementary weather file is a serially complete weather dataset that has combined the onsite measurements of POA irradiance (W/m2), ambient temperature (°C) and wind speed (km/hr). This data is primarily sourced from the Sunny Sensor box (weather station) on the TETB system, with secondary measurements from secondary weather stations to fill in missing data
(parallel estimation).
• It is recommended that you use this weather file for your PV system modelling.
• The Sunny Sensor box POA irradiance measurements are captured by a reference cell in the same plane of array as Array 11. Hence, the POA irradiance measurements in the supplementary weather file, including the secondary measurements, have the same tilt and orientation as Array 11.
Assignment Tasks:
Task 1: Performance Assessment via Modelling Methods
Using modelling methods, assess the performance of the PV arrays attached to Inverters 3, 7, and
11. Include the following modelling methods in your assessment.
1. Comparative Monitoring (Hint: Normalised comparisons on the monthly level):
a. In addition to the analysis, indicate for which inverter/s Comparative Monitoring is applicable at the Inverter output level and why.
i. List all the inverters which the comparison can be made against (this can be any of the 11 inverters within the TETB PV system).
b. In addition to the analysis, indicate for which inverter/s Comparative Monitoring is only applicable at the string level and why.
i. List all strings which the comparison can be made against (this can be strings from any of the 11 inverters within the TETB PV system).
ii. When undertaking Comparative Monitoring at the String level, indicate which parameter/s should be assessed.
c. In addition to the analysis, Indicate whether you observe any performance issues of the other inverters within the TETB PV system.
2. Performance Metric Monitoring using (Hint: A daily analysis):
a. The performance ratio (PR)
b. The weather corrected performance ratio (WCPR or PR’)
c. The performance index (PI)
(Hint: Plot of the metrics vs. day of the year – example provided in the lecture notes)
Task 2: Putting it All Together
Put together a detailed report in Microsoft Word outlining the methodology and outcomes of the PV performance analysis undertaken in Task 1. The client has requested that your report include a discussion of the methodology used and the assumptions made in the analysis provided.
Your report must include:
1. All items listed in Task 1 i.e. the monthly and daily performance of the PV arrays attached to Inverters 3, 7 and 11 assessed by both the comparative monitoring (normalised comparisons on the monthly level) and performance metric monitoring (plot of metric vs. day of the year) methods.
2. An indication of how the measured performance of Inverters 3, 7 and 11 differed from their expected performance.
3. A list and discussion of any performance issues that occurred, and the potential cause of the performance issues, for each of the three PV arrays assessed.
4. A discussion of any performance issues observed for any of the other PV arrays not specifically assessed but observed during your comparative analysis.
5. A discussion of the methodologies and assumptions of the analysis presented, including assumptions you’ve made in any PVsyst modelling.
Your final report must be written and submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx) format. Microsoft Word, and other Microsoft applications, are available to all UNSW students via Microsoft Office 365.
You can learn more about Microsoft Office 365 for UNSW studentshere.
Do not include a copy of your PVsyst report as part of your detailed report. You will be required to upload a copy of your PVsyst report as a separate item as part of the assignment submission process in Moodle.
NB: Simply including a copy of the PVsyst report in an appendix will not be considered as an adequate description of your PV modelling methodology. You need to outline all your assumptions and modelling methodology in the body of your report.
This assessment is to be done individually. Submit a copy of your final report and your PVsyst report to the ‘Assignment 3 Submission’ drop box on Moodle by the date specified.
Your final report must be written and submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx) format. Pdf submissions of the final report will attract a 30% penalty.
Your PVsyst report can however be a pdf submission.
Work submitted late without an approved extension by the course coordinator or delegated authority is subject to a late penalty of 30 percent (30%) mark reduction on the first day and an additional 10% per day thereafter, consistent with other SPREE courses. The late penalty is applied per 24 hour period (including weekends and public holidays) that the assessment is overdue. There is no pro-rata of the late penalty for submissions made part way through a day.
Work submitted after the ‘deadline for absolute fail’ (see the course outline) will not be accepted and a mark of zero will be awarded for that assessment item.
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